Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

WSOP Satalites on Stars

Bring it on. PokerStars have finally introduced WSOP qualifiers. I'll be going all out to try and win seats despite my rather modest roll at the moment.

Whilst couting one's chickens before they've hatched may leave egg on one's face (too many paltry metaphores?!), my plan is to win one seat and take the money rather than the ticket and then use that money to buy back in at Step 3 and win a load more seats.

That's not to say that my Steps Quest has been going entirely to plan. I've dumped a fair chunk more of cash into them without increasing the value of my ticket pool vastly.

I had a horrible run of Step 2s playing about 10 without converting any of them to Step 3.

Here's how things stand in terms of tickets banked and profit made:

Step 1 ($7.5) : 4 tickets // 20% ROI // 10 played
Step 2 ($27) : 1 ticket // 6% ROI // 110 played
Step 3 ($82) : 0 tickets // 33% ROI // 64 played
Step 4 ($215) : 6 tickets // 15% ROI // 15 played
Step 5 ($700) : 1 ticket // 110% ROI // 3 played
Step 6 ($2100): 2 tickets // NA // 0 played

Money Invested: $2174
Tickets Banked: $6247
(plus $645 taken out for Sunday $215 tournaments)

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Spring Clean

I'm going to be dusting the Winter cobwebs off this blog over the next few days. I'll be culling a whole load of links that I don't read. If you think I should be reading you more often or you really want your link kept then just leave a comment.

I've not played much poker recently. I managed to bust what I had on Stars last week playing $10/20 Razz - when will I learn?! I've downloaded Hold'em Manager and am going to switch a chunk of bankroll over to Betfair and see what I can do on the $100 tables. I've heard Betfair is properly weak, so maybe even I can hold my own there!

I succombed to the pressure and got myslef an iphone yesterday. It is certainly an impressive piece of kit, but I've yet to be able to find a real money poker app, so if you know of one then please let me know.

I'm digging this spring weather we've been having. I'm off for a run in the last of theafternoon sun.
