Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Free Fall

In the last post (which got deleted, grrr), aside from a reasonably lengthy science update about how I've achieved very little in the lab over the last 10 weeks or so, I described the reversale in fortune I had begun to have at the Party Poker $15/30 Bad Beat Jackpot Tables.

It all started at the begining of last week. Everything had, clearly, been going far too well and it caught up with me good and proper. Now, I dont have a problem with bad beats, in fact I've almost got to the point where I can be glad about them (for in order for it to be a bad beat you opponent must have taken the 'worst of it' and out drawn you and hence you effectively make money on each occurrence), but I'm afraid to say, when it goes on for two consectutive days and you barely win a single pot, it begins to get to you! (phew, long sentence!) It did get to me and I let it affect my game. In fact, I'd say I'm still slightly on tilt now, over a week later. The bad beats have also been continuing and so my time at $15/30 may well be up for a god while to come.

The last week or so have taken a reasonable chunk off what was begining to be a sizeable bankroll. Thankfully it has not crippled me. I'm only slightly down overall since playing $15/30 and I'd saved almost half of my roll outside of my poker account.

So my plan for the coming weeks...

1. Stop playing $15/30!!
2. Cah out a decent amount of my roll into my savings account so I cant mess with it!
3. Play No-Limit cash games and tounraments for the next couple of weeks
4. Re-read all my limit poker books and buy a couple more that I've been meaning to get for a while: (Small Stakes Holdem by Ed Miller and Middle Limit Poker by Bob Ciaffone, which I lost on the bus when I was only two chapters in!)
5. Eventually, go back to limit play again and start off at $5/10.

I'll keep you posted on how things go. Here's hoping I can gather my wits and keep my head.


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