Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Thursday, September 30, 2004

Damn You: Computer Geeks and Road Works

[This is going to be somewhat briefer than it would have been. I've already writen it once, then managed to deleted it so i've lost a little bit of enthusiasm!]

Before I get down to any poker updates, I have a couple of rants that I need to get off my chest.

1. Computer Geeks: Long and short of it - bastard technical-techie-nerds at the lab have blocked Party Poker so I cant play while I'm waiting for my experiments not to work (I realsie that an update on all things biochemical is long overdue).

2. Road Works: Summery - lots going on in oxford - pain in the arse - have to spent about 90 minutes a day on a bus, blah blah blah.

Right, that's about where I'd got to when I managed to delete the... [insert a suitable stress reliving noun here].

Poker, albeit less of it, has been going pretty well and the bankrol is continues to climb. I'm still playing the Party Poker $5/10 Bad Beat Jackpot tables, but I have also been unable to contril my desire to always play at the limit just that little bit too high for my bankroll. At my current level of capital, that limit just out of my reach would be $10/20. I have been playing a spot of $15/30 (wtf!).

I've played about 400 hands of $15/30 and I'm up about 15 big bets. The standard is better, but it is still noticeably weak. There a a few VERY good players and a number of pretty good ones, but there are still a large number of morons. It's impossible to tell after so few hands what sort of earn rate I could maintain at this level, but what I do know is that if I had a bat run of cards it would totally cripple me - I REALLY need to learn to live within my means (jees - where have I heard that before - it's a good job my parents dont read this blog!).

RIght, I'd better don my lab coat and go do some work.


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