Marital disclaimer: The following quote has got nothing to do with the recent incident when I admonished MissPink for chatting during and interview with Daivd Hasselhoff.
Another disclaimer: I am not a David Hasselhoff fan, but I am a big fan of Jake Thackray:
Jake Thackray's "On Again, On Again!" has the great privlidge of being the first incumbent in my new 'Tune of The Week' feature (at the bottom). If you ask me, Thackray is a freaking legend. I you ask Miss Pink, he's a f***ing sexists b**tard! Here's an amazonUK link in case you're eager to here more, which you should be.
So...I handed my essay in yesterday. Hurrah! Now only 19 days remain till I’m finished. All I need now is toremain get focused for the next two weeks or so! That’ll be pretty hard given some of the distractions that are gonna be going on. Grrr.
I had every intention of writing a really meaty post since things on this ‘ere blog have been pretty thin of late, but the FA Cup final stars in 15 minutes so I’m going to have to leave you, drink some beer, and diss ManYoooooo.
So you know I haven’t forgotten that the rest of my write-up is still due, here is the one and only picture I took whilst in Atlantic City. It’s a real shame that I didn’t make an effort to take more pictures, especially of the AlCantHang expierience, but this may make up for some of it:

It's a man, man!
Another disclaimer: I am not a David Hasselhoff fan, but I am a big fan of Jake Thackray:
I love a good bum on a woman it makes my day.
To me it is palpable proof of God's existence - a posterior
And also I love breasts and arms and ankles and those knees;
It's the tongue the tongue the tongue on a woman that spoils the job for me.
Please understand I respect and admire the frailer sex
And I honour them every bit as much as the next
But give some women the ghost of a chance to talk and there upon,
They go on again on again on again on again on again on again on.
Jake Thackray's "On Again, On Again!" has the great privlidge of being the first incumbent in my new 'Tune of The Week' feature (at the bottom). If you ask me, Thackray is a freaking legend. I you ask Miss Pink, he's a f***ing sexists b**tard! Here's an amazonUK link in case you're eager to here more, which you should be.
So...I handed my essay in yesterday. Hurrah! Now only 19 days remain till I’m finished. All I need now is to
I had every intention of writing a really meaty post since things on this ‘ere blog have been pretty thin of late, but the FA Cup final stars in 15 minutes so I’m going to have to leave you, drink some beer, and diss ManYoooooo.
So you know I haven’t forgotten that the rest of my write-up is still due, here is the one and only picture I took whilst in Atlantic City. It’s a real shame that I didn’t make an effort to take more pictures, especially of the AlCantHang expierience, but this may make up for some of it:

It's a man, man!
At 5:14 PM,
Unknown said…
Pinky, are trying to say that jaye talks too much? are you? well? you are the only mysognist/misoginist/woman hater round here. you disgust me.
At 2:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
At least I talk to real friends, not "e-friends", and I don't make cheap cracks at the expense of the entire opposite sex. Where did you meet your girlfriend again, Phil...?
At 7:39 PM,
Unknown said…
I think you'll find we met at my last bank heist, over a bundle of £50 notes. What can I say? I look good in a balaclava.
At 1:02 AM,
Unknown said…
And anyway Jaye, last time I checked you don't even HAVE a girlfriend, so all your criticisms are rendered invalid. Your mum, by the way.
At 9:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
You're right, I lose.
At 2:16 PM,
Pinky said…
You know what, guys? You could always have this conversation in the living room. Just a thought...
Quit making me think I've got loads of readers!
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