Trip Write-Up Imminent
I have now been back in the UK for over 24 hours, but they have been divided pretty evenly between sleep and quality time with Miss Pink so you can forgive me for the lack of postage.
You might have thought that the combination of jet-lag and having turned nocturnal would cancel each other out. I can assure you that they dont. My brain feels very much not my own this morning and Atlantic City seems somewhat like a dream. In fact, it felt a lot like a dream while it was going on too; like when you know that you're asleep so it doesn't matter what happens because you're going to wake up soon.
This is going to have to serve as a warm up post while I asemble my thoughts, gather some photos, and sift through the bundles of notes I took (ha, if only).
Basically, I had a freekin amazing time both on the a capella tour and playing poker. I met some great people and had a blast pretty much everywhere I went. It has to be said, though, that it's pretty good to be back with the girl. Being back in Oxford, however, is less brilliant. It's raining and as soon as I've finished writing up my trip, I'll no longer be able to turn my attention away from the mountain of studying I've got to do.
While I'm sorting things out you should head over to the blogs of -EV, Al, and Helixx. They have each beaten my lazy ass to writing up some of the going on in Atlantic City.

You might have thought that the combination of jet-lag and having turned nocturnal would cancel each other out. I can assure you that they dont. My brain feels very much not my own this morning and Atlantic City seems somewhat like a dream. In fact, it felt a lot like a dream while it was going on too; like when you know that you're asleep so it doesn't matter what happens because you're going to wake up soon.
This is going to have to serve as a warm up post while I asemble my thoughts, gather some photos, and sift through the bundles of notes I took (ha, if only).
Basically, I had a freekin amazing time both on the a capella tour and playing poker. I met some great people and had a blast pretty much everywhere I went. It has to be said, though, that it's pretty good to be back with the girl. Being back in Oxford, however, is less brilliant. It's raining and as soon as I've finished writing up my trip, I'll no longer be able to turn my attention away from the mountain of studying I've got to do.
While I'm sorting things out you should head over to the blogs of -EV, Al, and Helixx. They have each beaten my lazy ass to writing up some of the going on in Atlantic City.

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