Quick Stats
Number of pints of guinness consumed in dublin: 23
Days untill the American students leave: 2
Days untill we move house to London: 5
Days untill wedding: 10
Days untill honeymoon in Barbados: 20
Number of tropical storms/hurricanes predicted over the next two months: 9
Number of jobs applyed for: 1
Number of offers of employment: 0
Percentage chance that I can sustain myself by only playing poker: 12.6%
Days untill the American students leave: 2
Days untill we move house to London: 5
Days untill wedding: 10
Days untill honeymoon in Barbados: 20
Number of tropical storms/hurricanes predicted over the next two months: 9
Number of jobs applyed for: 1
Number of offers of employment: 0
Percentage chance that I can sustain myself by only playing poker: 12.6%
At 12:59 PM,
Wade said…
Based upon my analysis of your data it appears that there has been 1 named tropical storm for every 2.6 pints of guinness you've consumed.
If my calculations are correct (and trust me, they always are), for every stout you drink the chances of a caribean island being struck by a huricane on any given day rises by a full 1%.
Given that your honeymoon in Barbados is a full 20 days away and guinness is readily available to you, I think the conclusion of this analysis is obvious.
Drink bottled lager.
At 12:59 PM,
AlCantHang said…
damn. The big day is getting closer. Good luck with everything, especially ducking the storms.
At 6:56 AM,
Ignatious said…
heya pinky, i'll be in london in mid-late sept if you wanna share a guinness or two.
At 10:50 AM,
Pinky said…
Iggy - sounds like a plan. Drop me an email at mrpinkmcpink[at]another[dot]com.
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