Maternal copulators. I've just deleted a whole freaking post
that I was writing by kicking the switch on the wall under the desk. Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggggggg. It was a damn fine post
and it's replacement is bound to be shite...
Well, my results are out. I got a 2:2 as predicted, expected and diserved (See below if you are a bamboozled American, or other individual unfamiliar with the British degree classification system). I probably should be more dissapointed than I am, but I resinged myself to the idea a while ago and it hopefully shouldn't affect the rest of my life too much. [save post]
Things on the job front haven't moved along much, although I am closer to having an idea of what I want to do. I think I'm going to keep it quiet for a while since it may make good material for a new (anonymous) blog. If that fails to come about then I may have a couple of options with poker companies based in Malta and Gibralta, but nothing concrete. [save post]
In the mean time I'm working for an American university Summer programme. I've been doing odds and ends in preparation this week. The students arrive early on Sunday morning. Far too early if you ask me, since I'm up in Blackpool the previous night and I will have to leave at about 5am to get back to Oxford in time. Mmmm, nice.[save post]
So why Blackpool, huh? Not for a poker tournament as you might have thought, but infact for a hen night. It might seem bizarre enough for a guy to be going on a hen night, but going on his own fiancee's, now that;s pretty crazy! That's right, I'm going on my fiancee's hen night! Unusualness aside, it should be an awesome time. A good deal of her friends are guys and we're all going in drag. I went to get my costume today and I'll have you know that I make a damn sexy nun! [save post]
Returning to degree classifications briefly for those of you unfamiliar with the British system. Basically they are divided into three classes, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. 2nd class is subdivided into 2:1 and 2:2. A 1st is excellent and achieved by about 10% of students. A 2:1 is good and obtained by the majority. About 10-15% get a 2:2, which is below average. Very few people get 3rds. A 2:2 is often refered to as a Desmond after a somwhat famous South African Bishop, hence the title of this post. [save post]
This will have to suffice as a replacement for the post I deleted earlier as I have to go eat and drink now. I'll be back early next week with any luck and if you behave yourselves in the meantime I may reward you with photos of hen night antics - I've heard a rumour that our house mate, Phil, may be stripping. Showing off his body is not something he has a problem with as you will see if you scroll far enough down his blog!
that I was writing by kicking the switch on the wall under the desk. Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggggggg. It was a damn fine post
and it's replacement is bound to be shite...
Well, my results are out. I got a 2:2 as predicted, expected and diserved (See below if you are a bamboozled American, or other individual unfamiliar with the British degree classification system). I probably should be more dissapointed than I am, but I resinged myself to the idea a while ago and it hopefully shouldn't affect the rest of my life too much. [save post]
Things on the job front haven't moved along much, although I am closer to having an idea of what I want to do. I think I'm going to keep it quiet for a while since it may make good material for a new (anonymous) blog. If that fails to come about then I may have a couple of options with poker companies based in Malta and Gibralta, but nothing concrete. [save post]
In the mean time I'm working for an American university Summer programme. I've been doing odds and ends in preparation this week. The students arrive early on Sunday morning. Far too early if you ask me, since I'm up in Blackpool the previous night and I will have to leave at about 5am to get back to Oxford in time. Mmmm, nice.[save post]
So why Blackpool, huh? Not for a poker tournament as you might have thought, but infact for a hen night. It might seem bizarre enough for a guy to be going on a hen night, but going on his own fiancee's, now that;s pretty crazy! That's right, I'm going on my fiancee's hen night! Unusualness aside, it should be an awesome time. A good deal of her friends are guys and we're all going in drag. I went to get my costume today and I'll have you know that I make a damn sexy nun! [save post]
Returning to degree classifications briefly for those of you unfamiliar with the British system. Basically they are divided into three classes, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. 2nd class is subdivided into 2:1 and 2:2. A 1st is excellent and achieved by about 10% of students. A 2:1 is good and obtained by the majority. About 10-15% get a 2:2, which is below average. Very few people get 3rds. A 2:2 is often refered to as a Desmond after a somwhat famous South African Bishop, hence the title of this post. [save post]
This will have to suffice as a replacement for the post I deleted earlier as I have to go eat and drink now. I'll be back early next week with any luck and if you behave yourselves in the meantime I may reward you with photos of hen night antics - I've heard a rumour that our house mate, Phil, may be stripping. Showing off his body is not something he has a problem with as you will see if you scroll far enough down his blog!
At 5:34 AM,
-EV said…
Dude, what's a "hen night"? We have no such things on the other side of the pond.
Played online the other day with a guy you know, apparently... goes by Ooh_Gravy. Solid player, but he could afford to put in about twice as many raises as he currently does. Nice guy to chat with for a bit.
At 8:48 AM,
Pinky said…
"Hen Night", is the female equivalent of a Stag Night, or what you guys call a Batchelor Party, I think.
Yeah, I've met Gravy a couple of times. He's a poster on ITH. I've played with him at the Gutshot and he came up for the Oxford Cup. He has his own blog which I've got linked but I dont think he's updated recently.
At 12:32 PM,
Leonie Daecher said…
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