Salisbury Shinanigans
Saturday afternoon saw the inaugural Salisbury Poker Championship. The event raised money for The Princes Trust, a charity that works with underprivileged kids in an effort to give them a better chance in life.
Despite a low turn out of 22 the afternoon was a success. Having a smaller number of players than initially expected allowed for a slightly more gradual blind structure, which allowed for a reasonable amount of play in the first few levels and ensured that the few stacks whose owners were late, hung-over, lost or all of the above, weren't too depleted when they were finally put to use. As it happened two of the final three finishers arrived after the first break.
Having a small field also allowed me to play. Although I might as well not have bothered. I did very little for the first hour before getting short stacked and finally deciding to pick up a few limpers by pushing all-in with K7 soooted from the big blind. Unfortunately, the player under the gun had limped in with AK and even a 7 on the flop wasn't enough to win me the hand which finished with running diamonds to give her the nut flush.
The tournament was wrapped up by the early evening and the various prizes were distributed. Thanks to the generosity of the poker community the value of the prizes probably exceeded the money raised for charity but the online poker sites will benefit from plenty of free advertising judging by the number of FullTilt Caps and PokerStars T-shirts that were given out. The Gutshot donated a meal for two, wine and tournament entry which was one of the prizes that was given out for first place. How convenient for the winner that he happens to be a dealer there and that they've just revoked the free food and drinks that they used to give their staff!
The evening continued chez Pink with crazy cash game action that carried on past 6am. I've said it before and I'll say it again. There really is no better poker than deep-stacked no-limit. It was a lot of fun. I didn't play particularly well, but managed to end up only 50 big blinds down and considering we were about 800 big blinds deep each by the end it wasn't too significant a loss.
Overall it was a successful day and a lot of fun to boot and I'd like to offer a huuuuge thank you to all those who daonted prizes:

and Barry Greenstein
Despite a low turn out of 22 the afternoon was a success. Having a smaller number of players than initially expected allowed for a slightly more gradual blind structure, which allowed for a reasonable amount of play in the first few levels and ensured that the few stacks whose owners were late, hung-over, lost or all of the above, weren't too depleted when they were finally put to use. As it happened two of the final three finishers arrived after the first break.
Having a small field also allowed me to play. Although I might as well not have bothered. I did very little for the first hour before getting short stacked and finally deciding to pick up a few limpers by pushing all-in with K7 soooted from the big blind. Unfortunately, the player under the gun had limped in with AK and even a 7 on the flop wasn't enough to win me the hand which finished with running diamonds to give her the nut flush.
The tournament was wrapped up by the early evening and the various prizes were distributed. Thanks to the generosity of the poker community the value of the prizes probably exceeded the money raised for charity but the online poker sites will benefit from plenty of free advertising judging by the number of FullTilt Caps and PokerStars T-shirts that were given out. The Gutshot donated a meal for two, wine and tournament entry which was one of the prizes that was given out for first place. How convenient for the winner that he happens to be a dealer there and that they've just revoked the free food and drinks that they used to give their staff!
The evening continued chez Pink with crazy cash game action that carried on past 6am. I've said it before and I'll say it again. There really is no better poker than deep-stacked no-limit. It was a lot of fun. I didn't play particularly well, but managed to end up only 50 big blinds down and considering we were about 800 big blinds deep each by the end it wasn't too significant a loss.
Overall it was a successful day and a lot of fun to boot and I'd like to offer a huuuuge thank you to all those who daonted prizes:

and Barry Greenstein
At 1:33 PM,
TenMile said…
Bloglines finally dropped your last twenty-five posts on me. Glad to get them and catch up with your going-ons.
Merry Christmas and the New Year to you and yours.
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