Fish and Chips

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Monday, June 28, 2004

Viva Voce (It's all Bad)

The Viva Voce, ("live voice" in Latin) or simply Viva, is an oral exam which is usually held when someone did badly in their written exams. Well, guess what? I've got one!

This is what the Department of Biochemistry has to say about Vivas: "Vivas in Part I might be held for a number of reasons, e.g. very poor performance, uneven performance, investigation of the effect of medical problems on performance, wish of external examiner to confirm the standards revealed by the written paper."

They basically haul me up in front of a number of scarry Proffessors and grill me about the papers I did crap in. I believe mine is on papers 2 and 6 (Energetics and Metabolic Processes and Data Analysis and Interpretation)

I have to say I'm pretty pissed off.


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