Fish and Chips

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Thursday, June 10, 2004

Cell Biology and the Integration of Function

The end is in sight! Only two more left.

Todays exam was OK. There were two questions I could do well enough and then another one which I could kind of do, so hopefully, barring any major cock-ups things should work out alright, but it's really hard to tell so I'm not counting any chickens just yet. In my first-year exams I was convinced I'd failed and walked out with a 1st; I just hope the reverse isn't going to be true for finals!

Tomorrow is a "General Paper", which could really contain anything and is designed to test one's general biochemical knowledge. There's little you can specifically revise for it and it's more of an indication of how much total revision/learning you've done. For that reason, it has the potential to go extreemly badly!

Again, fingers crossed!


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