Well as predicted, I got a 2:2. It's what I suspected I'd get, so I'm not too dissapointed, but it's still a bit crap. I mean, if you'd have told me a year ago that I'd get a 2:2 then I'd have been pretty gutted.
It's difficult to tell exactly what mark I've got because they dont actually assign a classifiaction at this stage with one year still remaining. They give you your mark and the approximate grade boundaries. This was my break down of marks (each paper is out of 100):
Structure and Function of Marcromoleules: 54
Energetics and Metabolic Processes: 26 (!!)
Genetics and Molecular Biology: 63
Cell Biology and Integration of Function: 58
General Paper: 50
Data Analysis and Intepreation: 49
Giving me a total of 300 marks and an average of 50. Usually 50 is only just good enough to get a 2:2, but I think the grade boundaries must be lower this year (either because of particularly hard papers of a particularly dull year group!) because the provisional classifications published for this year are as follows:
>400 1st
>320 2:1
>260 2:2
>220 3rd
From this it would appear that I'm at the uper end of the 2:2 bracket and so it may well be possible to pull it up to a 2:1 over the course of the 4th year if I work hard enough. So, all is not lost!
My viva yesterday went ok. They asked me a lot about paper 2 (unsurprisingly) and I dont think I shined particularly there. The other stuff they asked me (mostly paper 6) was fine, although I was pretty glad to be out of there. Five proffessors all firing questions at you is a little intimidating. To my immense anger and frustraion, I'd found out the day before that as well as it not being possible for your mark to go down as a result of a Viva, it also cannot go up! WTF? The only use it will be is if I am border line at the nend of next year. Then they may use it in their general considerations! Man that pissed me off!
Right enough of that, I now have the whole summer in front of me in which to play copious ammounts of poker, aahhhh!
For the first half of the summer I've got a "job" working for an American University summer programme that is taking place in college. It's extreemly taxing. In the mornings while they're in class I have to be in the office (just downloaded Party Poker onto the computer in there!) and maybe do a bit of general admin. In the afternoons, when they're out of class, my duties include playing fotball (soccer)/ frisbie with them in the parks and going on verious excursions. In the evenings I have the arduous task of drinking many ales with them in several of Oxford's finest watering holes. Just to add insult to injury I dont have to work from Thursday afternoon through Sunday evening because the students are off galavanting around Eruope. The question is, how on earth am I going to cope with the responsibility?
It's difficult to tell exactly what mark I've got because they dont actually assign a classifiaction at this stage with one year still remaining. They give you your mark and the approximate grade boundaries. This was my break down of marks (each paper is out of 100):
Structure and Function of Marcromoleules: 54
Energetics and Metabolic Processes: 26 (!!)
Genetics and Molecular Biology: 63
Cell Biology and Integration of Function: 58
General Paper: 50
Data Analysis and Intepreation: 49
Giving me a total of 300 marks and an average of 50. Usually 50 is only just good enough to get a 2:2, but I think the grade boundaries must be lower this year (either because of particularly hard papers of a particularly dull year group!) because the provisional classifications published for this year are as follows:
>400 1st
>320 2:1
>260 2:2
>220 3rd
From this it would appear that I'm at the uper end of the 2:2 bracket and so it may well be possible to pull it up to a 2:1 over the course of the 4th year if I work hard enough. So, all is not lost!
My viva yesterday went ok. They asked me a lot about paper 2 (unsurprisingly) and I dont think I shined particularly there. The other stuff they asked me (mostly paper 6) was fine, although I was pretty glad to be out of there. Five proffessors all firing questions at you is a little intimidating. To my immense anger and frustraion, I'd found out the day before that as well as it not being possible for your mark to go down as a result of a Viva, it also cannot go up! WTF? The only use it will be is if I am border line at the nend of next year. Then they may use it in their general considerations! Man that pissed me off!
Right enough of that, I now have the whole summer in front of me in which to play copious ammounts of poker, aahhhh!
For the first half of the summer I've got a "job" working for an American University summer programme that is taking place in college. It's extreemly taxing. In the mornings while they're in class I have to be in the office (just downloaded Party Poker onto the computer in there!) and maybe do a bit of general admin. In the afternoons, when they're out of class, my duties include playing fotball (soccer)/ frisbie with them in the parks and going on verious excursions. In the evenings I have the arduous task of drinking many ales with them in several of Oxford's finest watering holes. Just to add insult to injury I dont have to work from Thursday afternoon through Sunday evening because the students are off galavanting around Eruope. The question is, how on earth am I going to cope with the responsibility?
At 1:46 PM,
Pinky said…
Good to hear from you Williard. Oxford is indeed much fun. Let me know when you're back in the vicinity and we shall consume some beer.
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