Folding Pocket Kings Pre-Flop
Last night I went along to weekly session with the University Poker Society. I was pretty happy with my play. Apart from doubling up when some doofus went all-in pre-flop after I had re-re-raised him with AQo against my AA, there was one other particularly interesting hand where I nearly layed down KK preflop...
The guy I was involved in the hand with is not someone I'd played with before, but from what I'd seen he was a good player and was playing a pretty tight, solid game. He was under the gun and had just stood up to go outside for a cigarette. His cards had already been deal, however, so he stole a quick look at them, sat back down and raised the 20p big blind to 80p. It was folded around to me in the small blind. I found KK and made it £3 in total. He thought for a short while then raised another £6. I was almost certain he had AA at this point. He was a good player and he knew I was a good player. I just dont see him making that move with anything less than KK. He could just about have made it with QQ, I guess. He had about £25 more behind him and the pot was giving me about 2-1. That didn't give me good enough implied odds to hit my set but I just couldn't lay it down. I flat called the £6 and we saw the flop of T96 (two hearts). The pot had about £18 in it. HE had £25 left and I had him well covered. I fugured the only way I could find out for sure if he had Aces was to lead into him. I led out £10. He went over the top imediately and I folded immediately. I guess I could have led out a little less - say £7 - but I think that was the only mitake I made on the hand. I dont see that I've got quite enough information to be able to fold preflop in that situation.
Incidentally, he did show his Aces.
I guess I've got to look at it as if I saved £15 rather than lost £20. Everyone one else there said they would have been all-in in a flash. Against almost anyone else there I would also have been all-in, but this guy had been playing very solidly and I knew he respected my play.
Right, I need to give Full Tilt my attention now. I getting beat up at the $3/6 tables.
Catch you later.
The guy I was involved in the hand with is not someone I'd played with before, but from what I'd seen he was a good player and was playing a pretty tight, solid game. He was under the gun and had just stood up to go outside for a cigarette. His cards had already been deal, however, so he stole a quick look at them, sat back down and raised the 20p big blind to 80p. It was folded around to me in the small blind. I found KK and made it £3 in total. He thought for a short while then raised another £6. I was almost certain he had AA at this point. He was a good player and he knew I was a good player. I just dont see him making that move with anything less than KK. He could just about have made it with QQ, I guess. He had about £25 more behind him and the pot was giving me about 2-1. That didn't give me good enough implied odds to hit my set but I just couldn't lay it down. I flat called the £6 and we saw the flop of T96 (two hearts). The pot had about £18 in it. HE had £25 left and I had him well covered. I fugured the only way I could find out for sure if he had Aces was to lead into him. I led out £10. He went over the top imediately and I folded immediately. I guess I could have led out a little less - say £7 - but I think that was the only mitake I made on the hand. I dont see that I've got quite enough information to be able to fold preflop in that situation.
Incidentally, he did show his Aces.
I guess I've got to look at it as if I saved £15 rather than lost £20. Everyone one else there said they would have been all-in in a flash. Against almost anyone else there I would also have been all-in, but this guy had been playing very solidly and I knew he respected my play.
Right, I need to give Full Tilt my attention now. I getting beat up at the $3/6 tables.
Catch you later.
At 3:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
"some doofus"... bit harsh on the guy isn't it!
At 4:16 PM,
Pinky said…
Yeah, sorry Eric! Not a dofus but also not a great move. I think he could have laid mit down if he'd given it a bit more thought.
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