Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Thursday, February 03, 2005

Luck v Skill

The poker gods were obviously smiling on me before I went to bed, a mere 3 hours ago...

I logged onto PokerStars just to see how many runners there were going to be for the WPBT event and noticed that it said there was only another 3h 20 minutes till the tounament started.

That can't be right, I thought. I'd given my self at least 5 hours sleep before I had to get up again. But wait. Shit. 9pm EST isnt 4am GMT. It's 2am. Doh.

It remains to be seen weather this run of good fortune will continue and if it will be capable of overcoming my inability to do basic arithmetic.

I'll keep you posted. We kick off in three minutes...

We have lift off. An Otis type hand for hand going to be attempted here.

Spock326 raises to 50 on a BB of 20 preflop and I make it tripple that to go. Flop comes KJ8. He bets out 150 and I min-raise. He checks turn I bet 500 (half of what I have left). He folds, I quickly change my underwear and whip out my 72o. Nice!

AlCantHang is out. 150th out of 151. Ouch not even good enough for a WPBT T-shirt, but then I think he has one anyway.

I split a largish pot with -EV. I limped in MP with ATsand ended up against only the blinds. Flop of A3x. I bet the pot and -EV flat calls. Turn is J. He bets out the pot (150) and I make the mistake of only flat calling. The river is another 3. He bets another 150. I call and we split when he shows A4. Bleh.

Just managed to get away from a hand relatively inexpensively. With a big blind of 50. I made it 270 (see what I did there!) to go from UTG with 99. SirFWALGMan doubled my riase. I let it go and he showed KK. Not the biggest laydown but I could have seen myself seeing a flop there on other occasions.

Bad Blood and Iggy are both out.

Comedy Two outers being hit on the river. AcKc against KQ. Flop hits neither of them but has two clubs. The queens of spades come on the river. SirFWALGMan's slick gets cracked.
The very next hand SirFWAL in the BB calls an all in from the short-ish stacked SB. SB has Q2 FWAL has 66. flop has a 2 in it. The turn is a queen, but the river is a 6.

Man... PokerStars is rigged!

Made it to the break with 1610 chips. A massive 110 more than I started with! Blinds now 75/150.

I'm out. 92nd out of 151. Made it 450 to go from MP w TT. One caller behing me. Flop was QJx (two clubs). I bet out 500 (under half of pot). He min raises (he's left with about 300 more and has me slightly covered). I would be left with 660 if I were to fold. So I push. He had AQ. Arse. Since he min raised rather than going all-in I probably should have known I was beat. But it would have been hard to play off 660. Maybe I should have checked the flop. Yuk.

I guess luck and skill both gave way in the end.


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