Nothing Much
I dont really have much to say, but I thought I'd post anyway so appologies if this is a rambling stream-of-conscienceness-type post.
I'm still yet to start any academic work since coming back to Oxford, which is somewhat concerning. I was intending to have a decent amount of my project written to show my supervisor when he came back from the Ukrane (I know, a funny place to choose as a holiday destination at the moment!). That was on Saturday. I now have a new target, which is to have a decent ammount done by the end of next week - that's is when lectures start again, and then to have a rough draft by the end of the following week. It's not going to happen unless I pull my finger out, fast!
The fact that I should be working while I'm playing poker is distracting me from my play. I'm really not playing well at all recently. For a start, I'm multitabling, but I'm also trying to do a host of other things at the same time. I spent a good part of yesterday organising The Gargoyles trip to East Coast over Easter, whilst simultaneuously playing two tables of $5/10 Holdem and one table of $10/20 O8B. Things progressed nicely with the tour organisation, but I dropped about 30BB on the holdem tables and another 10BB on the Hi/Low.
I think my limit play is pretty weak at the moment. I'm making far too many mistakes (calling down too much, not respecting turn raises, almost always betting out after a preflop riase no matter what the circumstances etc etc) and is really crippling me. It's time to go back to basics an re-read ITH. The problem I have at the moment is that I dont really have time to be playing poker let alone to be reading. Unfortunately my disciplin is doubley bad: I'm not disciplined enough not to play poker when I have work to do and I'm not disciplined enough to spend time improving my game rather than just getting more hours in. All in all, it's not good.
My bankroll has hovered at about the $2,000 since Christmas and it's been the few wins that I've had in MTTs that have prevented me from realising that my ring-game play is not up to scratch. I haven't been record keeping as I promised I would and I've only really been using Poker Tracker to analyse other players. I need to keep beter track of my earn rate etc. - it's time to get jiggy in Excel.
Well as boring as this post must have been for you to read, it's been pretty useful for me. At least I'm acknowledging to myself what's going wrong.
Time for something a little more interesting... but I think I'll save it for another post, because I doubt that you've made it this far!
I'm still yet to start any academic work since coming back to Oxford, which is somewhat concerning. I was intending to have a decent amount of my project written to show my supervisor when he came back from the Ukrane (I know, a funny place to choose as a holiday destination at the moment!). That was on Saturday. I now have a new target, which is to have a decent ammount done by the end of next week - that's is when lectures start again, and then to have a rough draft by the end of the following week. It's not going to happen unless I pull my finger out, fast!
The fact that I should be working while I'm playing poker is distracting me from my play. I'm really not playing well at all recently. For a start, I'm multitabling, but I'm also trying to do a host of other things at the same time. I spent a good part of yesterday organising The Gargoyles trip to East Coast over Easter, whilst simultaneuously playing two tables of $5/10 Holdem and one table of $10/20 O8B. Things progressed nicely with the tour organisation, but I dropped about 30BB on the holdem tables and another 10BB on the Hi/Low.
I think my limit play is pretty weak at the moment. I'm making far too many mistakes (calling down too much, not respecting turn raises, almost always betting out after a preflop riase no matter what the circumstances etc etc) and is really crippling me. It's time to go back to basics an re-read ITH. The problem I have at the moment is that I dont really have time to be playing poker let alone to be reading. Unfortunately my disciplin is doubley bad: I'm not disciplined enough not to play poker when I have work to do and I'm not disciplined enough to spend time improving my game rather than just getting more hours in. All in all, it's not good.
My bankroll has hovered at about the $2,000 since Christmas and it's been the few wins that I've had in MTTs that have prevented me from realising that my ring-game play is not up to scratch. I haven't been record keeping as I promised I would and I've only really been using Poker Tracker to analyse other players. I need to keep beter track of my earn rate etc. - it's time to get jiggy in Excel.
Well as boring as this post must have been for you to read, it's been pretty useful for me. At least I'm acknowledging to myself what's going wrong.
Time for something a little more interesting... but I think I'll save it for another post, because I doubt that you've made it this far!
At 8:39 AM,
Ooh, Gravy! said…
Maybe you should go back to 3/6 for a bit Pinky to recapture your game. I read an interesting blog the other day - the subject had had a hard time getting into 5/10 and staying there. One of his posts was about agression and how he was trying to increase it as he was winning more in his agressive sessions. He pointed out the key to being more agressive was to fold! If you call too ofter, your agression factor goes down. Seemed quite simple really.
Hope you get back on track soon matey.
At 3:24 PM,
Pinky said…
Hey Gravy. Good to hear from you.
I think you're right. I'm taking a bit of a break at the moment (playing some NL on Will Hill) and when I got back to it I think I'll hang at $3/6 for a while.
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