Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Trans-Pond Pink

The Pinkmeister is heading States-ward.

The a capella gourp that I sing with, The Oxford Gargoyles, is touring the East Coast of The States. I've been organising it for the past couple of months and I finally confirmed our flights yesterday.

We're flying into Boston on 21s March and out of New York on the 31st. Well, most people are...

I happened to have changed my flight back to the 4th of April so I can hit up Atlatnic City. I'll be in NYC around the 29th/29th and then in AC till the 4th. So, if there are any of you out there who fancy a hooking up, just let me know.

[nothing more to read!]


  • At 6:15 PM, Blogger AlCantHang said…

    Absolutely! We'll definitely have to get together while you're in AC.

    We'll figure out details as it gets closer but I'm only a 90 minute drive away.


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