Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

(An attempt at) Playing Poker for a Living

Well, technically, I could bestow upon myself the title of professional poker player, but I'm somewhat loath to do so since it's more by necessity than choice. It's also not going to last too long since I should be getting at least some part time work next week.

I never got my arse in gear to consider my career options while at university and having had such a busy summer, I've arrived at this point with few clues and no treasure (discounting the wonderful Mrs Pink, of course).

Consequently I've been playing poker for a number of hours each day whilst also looking for some kind of temporary and longer-term employment options. The fist two days went swimmingly and I'd already made a months rent at the $1-2 NL tables on stars. Today I managed to loose it all back, which is kind of shitty, so I've cashed out some and will be playing on a slightly conservative bankroll for the rest of the week.

I've read a lot on various forums and other articles about people's playing for a living - about the stress of handling bad swings and about the boredom that can set in when you have to play for X hours a day. I didn't disbelieved these people, but I also didn't expect to be able to empathise so soon!

I need to sit down and really figure out what I want to do for a living, what I'm prepare to put in and what I expect to get from it. I'll report back on my findings!

It's our one month anniversary today. Hurray!


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