Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Uber Alles

Just in case you weren't aware, Iggy is more or less done and dusted with Guinness and Poker.

This post is long over due, and as a result my "Farewell Iggy, You Da Man" post can be altered slightly to a "Welcome To Your New Home, Everyone CLICK HERE" post, because Iggy has not died or even ceased to write, he's just moving over to join the fine people over at PokerWorks.

Guinness and Poker was and is legendary. It was THE Poker Blog and the reason why most other bloggers started out and ventured into this community. It was the first poker blog I ever read and the Uber-post was what kept me sane during the few months that I was tied to an office job.

The first "Iggy's Gone" post I read was from Pauly. I mis-read it and thought that Iggy had died. That wasn't a pleasant moment. Maybe it was my relief on re-reading that post that delayed my writing this. I suspect that it was mostly just my laziness.

Iggy, FNH, sir. GG and WP. God bless Guinness and Poker. Long live the Uber-Post.


Speaking of those at Poker Works, CC is over on this side of the pond with his family. With any luck plans will come together for a meeting at The Gutshot, maybe even tonight.


In other news, this month is on the verge of being my second loosing month of the year (I said that the tides were about to turn). It's just about break even at the moment, but that's only thanks to a couple of cashes in big Sunday tournaments. My cash game seems to have gone to shit. It's time to refocus my efforts, impose a maximum of two tables being played at once and put and end to the occasional foray up to the $1,000 tables - My bankroll is still slightly off the 20 buy-in minimum that I like to impose on myself and the $1,000 tables are certainly not the place to be when one is playing anything less than one's A-game, even though I'm only going there to chase fish.

Despite this minor blip, things are still hunky-dory, I haven't done my bollocks, and I feel that from playing a number of the big Sunday events, my tournament game has really improved. I made the money in the main event of the Full Tilt Online Poker Series, last Sunday. The buy-in was $535 and the 2,600 runners gave a $1.3M prize pool with a massive $225,000 for 1st place. I ended up coming 69th which was good enough for a payday of $1,960. I felt I played really well. Other than doubling up early on with a flush against a straight, I didn't get all my chips in until the hand I busted: I gradually built my stack keeping just above average for the most part. Once we got down to the last hundred runners I got moved to a very tough table (6 of them made it down to the final two tables and 3 of them finished in the top 6). I just wasn't able to steal any chips and I eventually became a short stack and called an all-in in the big blind with pocket tens. Mr. Villain had A2 and the first card off was an Ace.

C'est la via. I'll just have to win the next one instead.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Slinging Chips with the Big Boys

Since my last post I've played very little in the way of cash games. Instead I've been battling it out with the big names in the Sunday tournaments. In last Sunday's PokerStar's Million I busted Humberto Brenes only to find my AK come up short against some numb-skull's KJ.

I made the money in last night's $350,000 garunteed on FullTilt, but was knocked out by Mike "The Mouth" Matusow's AK and denied a bite at the big money.

I'll keep pluging away at the big tournies in the hope of catching that big break.