Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 2b

I squeeked into day 3 with 19k.

Day 2b was a complete grind. I chipped up from 29k to about 36k then didn't win a pot that I entered and found myself down to 7k within three hours. I managed to double to 15k before dinner and then hovered between 12k-17k for the rest of the day.

That was until the final hour when I managed to get it in with 99 against AT and KQ and fade all four overcards for a nice trebble up that took me to 43k in chips.

That was on my fourth table of the day. The first three had all been pretty tough, but the final one was super soft. So I took my 43k and got busily involved in a few pots during the last 45 minutes of the day. Obviously I didn't win any of them - AQc got me deep into a couple of hands when I flopped combo draws against opponents' obviously stong hands. Needless to say I either didn't hit or had to put them down before the river.

Having made day 3 means that PokerStars extended our suite until the 15th for free, which is nice, but 19k is nothing to work with when the blinds tomorrow start at 600/1200//100. Average must be 90-100k. I need a miracle!


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