Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Sunday, July 05, 2009

How badly can I run?

I've just got time for a quick Vegas update.

Unformtunately I could have been having a better time. Citibank have royally fucked up and decided to freeze my account leaving me without a buyin for the main event and without and easy recourse to toerh funds.

I've been running around like some twat beggin borrowing and stealing the buyin. I'm still $1k short, but I can probably get that much out of the ATM and not be over my daily withdrawal limit. Fuck knows what we're going to do for cash after that! You can't pay for taxis and tips and Pai Gow on a credit card.

That being said, it does look as though I'm going to be able to play, and it was not at all certain for most of the last two days.

In other news:

I played the $560 deepstack event at the Venitian on Friday. I had a super soft starting table but never got above my starting stack. I dropped down to $11k early on from a $15k starting stack. That table broke and my second table wasn't as good. I amanged to get back up to $14,500 but the blinds were 400/800/75 by that point. With $13k left I picked up 99 in the cutoff and shoved over the hijack's opening raise. The bigblind woke up with QQ and the hijack also called with AK. I spiked a 9 on the flop but the AK won with a flush when a Queen of his suit hit the river! Standard.

In cash games. I played a soft $1/2 game at the Venitian while killing an hour and lost $50. After busting from the deepstack event I played a tough $2/5 table and dropped $500.

This whole cashflow issue has left me rather stuck for effective bankroll. I scraped together $400 to take a stab and a super soft Saturday night, 4th July $1/3 game at the Palms. It was mega soft and I managed to get a guy to stick his $400 in with 35o on a A34Q board only for the 5 to hit the river (I had an ace, obv). Now, if I had my bankroll accessible I would have reloaded and proceeded to take it all back. Instead I left the table with my tila between my legs and went to watch the July 4th fireworks from our balcony.

One might think that I'd have got the message and realised that this main event lark wasn't meant to be. On the other hand, if I manage to get through this shit the actualy poker should be piss easy!


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