Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Friday, May 25, 2007

If You Don't Have Anything Positive To Say...

...then don't say anything at all.

That was a popular quip Mother Pink used to come up with when I had something less than plesent to say (usually to Little Brother Pink).

As if I've ever listened to anything she said...

So it's all going seriously tits up. I was very close to full blown tilt this morning. I manged to turn it around and only lost two buyins by getting my money in when I knew full well I was behind. The rest of the five or so buyins that dissapeared in the morning ranged from me paying off the occasional outdraw to at least three two-outers.

In the afternoon session I got my shit together and played some good poker to make back about half of the losses.

With my final pay-check coming at the end of the month and with my bankroll being half what it was 6 weeks ago, I'm begining to get a little stressed.

I know it'll come right in the end, I just really hope it's sooner rather than later.


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