I Run Well
I must be on one hell of a heater at the moment, becasue I'm still winning despite some fairly sub-standard play.
I've felt as thought a bad run was due. I've been playing slightly over my bankroll; I've noticed a few titly moments; and I know that my luck's been running above expectation.
So yesterday after a bad morning session where I donked off about £700, I decided I needed a break from the cash games. Or at least a break from $500 NL, which is a bit too big for my roll.
I dedcided to reload my PokerStars account. I put $600 in and took a peek at the tournaments that were scheduled. I love their rebuy tourneys. There's so much value in them and people rebuy so many times that when the freezout starts the average stack compared to the blinds is really high and there's still penty of play before it becomes a preflop shove-fest.
I registered for a variety of their imminent tourneys: I picked an$8 rebuy sub-sub-satalite for the Prague leg of the EPT; I picked an $8 NL Hold'em tourney; and finally I picked a $10 rebuy PL Omaha one.
The EPT satlite was for a $115 seat in the next round of salites and I was doing nicely when a couple of pretty standard tournament cooler-type hands saw me bust out not far away from the bubble.
While the other two tournaments were running I couldn't help but fire up a couple of cash game tables into the mix. I managed to limit myself to two 100 Euro tables on Crypto where I had position on a deep-stacked mega-fish. I also - for shits and giggles, and becasue the Omaha tournament had wet my whisle - loaded up a $100 PL Omaha table on Stars.
I ran like a god on the Omaha table and took my $100 stack up to a little under $600. Meanwhile I more than doubled up on both my Euro tables. All of a sudden I was even for the day.
While things were bubbling along nicely, a friend called to arrange to come over for a little heads-up action (we're thankfully still talking abour poker here ;-). I still had the tournaments going so the laptop sat nearby while we got on with a little 5p-10p heads-up game. Before we knew it there was over £200 on the table in our small-"let's just start with £20 each"-game.
I ran like a demon heads-up and was up about £80 at highest point. Meanwhile I became shortstacked and busted from the $8 NL tourney, but had doubled up with KKxx v AAxx in the Omaha tourney (yes I'm a luck-box, but if my oppenent insists on slowplaying his aces and allowing me to flop a flushdraw and a gutshot then that's his problem ;-)
The short conclusion to this rather drawn out disection of yesterday evening, is that I took down the Omaha tournament for a shade over $1200. That's the second time I've won that very same tournament. In fact it's back to back wins as I haven't played it since this time.
$1200 is hardly going to allow Mrs. Pink to retire, but every little helps and it felt great to win it. With about 15 players left, I really felt that if I didn't get unlucky I had a great shot at 1st place. I was shocked at how bad the standard was. I don't think there's a single Holdem tournament left where you could feel so totally dominant over all your opponents. It really shows how much better everyone has got at holdem over the last few years (even the fish) and how terrible the majority of Omaha players are.
I've felt as thought a bad run was due. I've been playing slightly over my bankroll; I've noticed a few titly moments; and I know that my luck's been running above expectation.
So yesterday after a bad morning session where I donked off about £700, I decided I needed a break from the cash games. Or at least a break from $500 NL, which is a bit too big for my roll.
I dedcided to reload my PokerStars account. I put $600 in and took a peek at the tournaments that were scheduled. I love their rebuy tourneys. There's so much value in them and people rebuy so many times that when the freezout starts the average stack compared to the blinds is really high and there's still penty of play before it becomes a preflop shove-fest.
I registered for a variety of their imminent tourneys: I picked an$8 rebuy sub-sub-satalite for the Prague leg of the EPT; I picked an $8 NL Hold'em tourney; and finally I picked a $10 rebuy PL Omaha one.
The EPT satlite was for a $115 seat in the next round of salites and I was doing nicely when a couple of pretty standard tournament cooler-type hands saw me bust out not far away from the bubble.
While the other two tournaments were running I couldn't help but fire up a couple of cash game tables into the mix. I managed to limit myself to two 100 Euro tables on Crypto where I had position on a deep-stacked mega-fish. I also - for shits and giggles, and becasue the Omaha tournament had wet my whisle - loaded up a $100 PL Omaha table on Stars.
I ran like a god on the Omaha table and took my $100 stack up to a little under $600. Meanwhile I more than doubled up on both my Euro tables. All of a sudden I was even for the day.
While things were bubbling along nicely, a friend called to arrange to come over for a little heads-up action (we're thankfully still talking abour poker here ;-). I still had the tournaments going so the laptop sat nearby while we got on with a little 5p-10p heads-up game. Before we knew it there was over £200 on the table in our small-"let's just start with £20 each"-game.
I ran like a demon heads-up and was up about £80 at highest point. Meanwhile I became shortstacked and busted from the $8 NL tourney, but had doubled up with KKxx v AAxx in the Omaha tourney (yes I'm a luck-box, but if my oppenent insists on slowplaying his aces and allowing me to flop a flushdraw and a gutshot then that's his problem ;-)
The short conclusion to this rather drawn out disection of yesterday evening, is that I took down the Omaha tournament for a shade over $1200. That's the second time I've won that very same tournament. In fact it's back to back wins as I haven't played it since this time.
$1200 is hardly going to allow Mrs. Pink to retire, but every little helps and it felt great to win it. With about 15 players left, I really felt that if I didn't get unlucky I had a great shot at 1st place. I was shocked at how bad the standard was. I don't think there's a single Holdem tournament left where you could feel so totally dominant over all your opponents. It really shows how much better everyone has got at holdem over the last few years (even the fish) and how terrible the majority of Omaha players are.
At 1:43 PM,
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See you soon
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