Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Friday, December 05, 2008

Day One's a Wrap

Finished the day bang on average with 40,000.

As people busted the table got really tough and I ended up spewing a few chips. I had reached a high of about 48k, but dropped down to 30k at my lowest. Then, on the last hand of the night I picked up Aces UTG. I limped, expecting there to be quiet a lot of action as there were a few people short on chips who might not have wanted to come back for a second day to nurse a small stack. In the end only the small blind ended up getting it in (as he'd pretty much announced he would before the hand). The very aggressive big blind almost got involved but deiced to get out of the way. My aces held agains thte short stack's 9T and I finished the day on 40k.

90 players are coming back tomorrow at 2pm and we start with blinds of 250/500/50. Our table isn't due to break anytime soon, so it's set to be a tough day. There are serveral very good players at our table, so I'm going to need a good helping of luck.

See you tomorrow...


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