Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

End of Year Bollocks

Here's a rather rushed end of year review, before I grab a couple of hours well needed kip before drinking myself silly later tonight.

I posted my goals for 2008 at the beginning of the year. I didn't achieve many of them. I'd imagine next year's will be similar. Hurrah for treading water and generally stagnating!

I am, however, upbeat about life. Home life is always good. Work is going pretty well. Poker-wise, I've not made the progress or had the success that I would have liked over the last few years, but I'm a decent winning player and I think my game has improved a reasonable amount this year. So over all, I'm a happy Pink.

Of the life goals I set myself I achieved one out of five and that was to enjoy life with Mrs. Pink. Of the others I made progress in two more: promotion ambitions at work will culminate in April; and I ran a couple of half marathons and generally got quite fit, until about September when I stopped doing any exercise at all and starting putting loads of weight on.

Of the poker goals I set myself I achieved one out of five (an hourly rate of $30) and came close to a couple of others; I was about 80% towards my target of making $25k, which given that I achieved the hourly rate I was looking for, obviously meant that I was expecting to put in loads more hours.

I'll be back shortly into the new year with a bunch of goals which - no doubt - will be very similar to last year's.

Hope you all had a good 2008 and best wishes for 2009.


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