Movin on Up...
...and trying to move out.

House/flat hunting is going pretty slowly. We had an offer accepted on a really nice house and then realised we didn't like the street. Fickle first time buyers, huh? Yes and no - it's a pretty fucking big investment.
It makes my recent jump up to the $200 NL tables look at bit insignificant, but theoretically my earn rate should now be enough to pay the mortgage we're taking out.
Let me just sing my own praises briefly. Things contiue to go well on the poker front. My bankroll isn't too far off $5,000 and I feel very comfortable at the $200 tables. I'm aware that I'm tempting fate and I'm also aware that I've been running very well lately, but I'm also very happy with my game at the moment. I've obviously got ridiculous amounts still to learn, but I'm eager to learn it.
Time to sing Mrs Pink's praises now. She's been a busy bee recently. She's started a part time course to get some official journalism accreditations and she's also been working herself to the bone at the office. I haven't seen very much of her lately, but her hard work is clearly paying off. In the last month she's had interviews with Jack Straw (Foreign Secretary), Menzies Cambell (Lib-Dem leader) and Tony Blair. I'm not meaning to insult your intelligence by including the parentheses. I'm merely aware that I may have a couple of overseas readers.
It's just occured to me that I've missed my two year anniversary of starting with poker by a month or so. The two year anniversary of this blog is due in a few weeks too.
If I was to rewind by just over two years, I dont think I could have imagined where I'd be or what I'd be doing, but this isn't too far off what one might have guessed. Living in London, doing one of the only three career paths that I've ever seriously considered (not including poker fantasies - the other two being scientific research and medicine) and being very marryly happied.
I can't and don't have any poker complaints either. I could obviously have made fewer mistakes, more money and greater progress in two years, but I've got to be reasonably satisfied with what I've achieved. I'm glad I've made the transition from limit to no-limit. I enjoy the latter much more. There was a time when I would hear nothing ill spoken of limit poker and would argue strongly that it was far superior and required much greater skill than no-limit. I still have nothing ill to say about limit poker, but my path is now clearly that of no-limit.

House/flat hunting is going pretty slowly. We had an offer accepted on a really nice house and then realised we didn't like the street. Fickle first time buyers, huh? Yes and no - it's a pretty fucking big investment.
It makes my recent jump up to the $200 NL tables look at bit insignificant, but theoretically my earn rate should now be enough to pay the mortgage we're taking out.
Let me just sing my own praises briefly. Things contiue to go well on the poker front. My bankroll isn't too far off $5,000 and I feel very comfortable at the $200 tables. I'm aware that I'm tempting fate and I'm also aware that I've been running very well lately, but I'm also very happy with my game at the moment. I've obviously got ridiculous amounts still to learn, but I'm eager to learn it.
Time to sing Mrs Pink's praises now. She's been a busy bee recently. She's started a part time course to get some official journalism accreditations and she's also been working herself to the bone at the office. I haven't seen very much of her lately, but her hard work is clearly paying off. In the last month she's had interviews with Jack Straw (Foreign Secretary), Menzies Cambell (Lib-Dem leader) and Tony Blair. I'm not meaning to insult your intelligence by including the parentheses. I'm merely aware that I may have a couple of overseas readers.
It's just occured to me that I've missed my two year anniversary of starting with poker by a month or so. The two year anniversary of this blog is due in a few weeks too.
If I was to rewind by just over two years, I dont think I could have imagined where I'd be or what I'd be doing, but this isn't too far off what one might have guessed. Living in London, doing one of the only three career paths that I've ever seriously considered (not including poker fantasies - the other two being scientific research and medicine) and being very marryly happied.
I can't and don't have any poker complaints either. I could obviously have made fewer mistakes, more money and greater progress in two years, but I've got to be reasonably satisfied with what I've achieved. I'm glad I've made the transition from limit to no-limit. I enjoy the latter much more. There was a time when I would hear nothing ill spoken of limit poker and would argue strongly that it was far superior and required much greater skill than no-limit. I still have nothing ill to say about limit poker, but my path is now clearly that of no-limit.
At 9:51 PM,
TripJax said…
Serious congrats man...good stuff.
And hope the house stuff works out.
At 1:12 AM,
CC said…
Hey, I lost you when you headed off, so glad to see you back. I'll let you know when I come back in town so maybe we can connect. GL on the flat--hope it's nice and flat.
At 9:15 PM,
Unknown said…
Why the fuck is redpill posting on your blog?
Post on my blog redpill!
At 7:09 PM,
Pinky said…
He needs money.
At 4:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
good luck with that apartment search. (silly American word) be sure the new pad has an extra room for redpill.
At 2:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
actually, no. i never did wonder. even after reading that i'm without a trace of wonderment in regards to MC.
i do however wonder whatever happened to as yet to be self-proclaimed pro-poker player pinky p-whipped pinkmeister
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