2007: The Year of The Hammer
It goes without saying that 2007 should be The Year of The Hammer. At least it should have gone without saying but I wouldn't have noticed it without a little help from others.
I dont do New Year's resolutions but I definately have aims.
Life aims:
1. Contiune to be happy and enjoy my life with Mrs. Pink.
2. Progress in my career (this is actually unlikely to happen this year and is largely out of my hands, but it's still an aim. It would definately help if I wasn't white, middle-class and heterosexual!)
3. Get off my arse and get good at Turkish.
4. Improve as a poker player.
Poker aims:
1. Make $25,000 (a la BadBlood I'm aiming at least to double last year's winnings).
2. Win entry to a tournament circuit event with at least $5000 entry (WSOP, WPT, EPT etc)
3. Regardless of Number 2, play in a live event with at least a $1000 buy-in.
4. Have a $5000+ tournament score.
5. Become a winning player at $1000 NL.
6. Learn to play PL Omaha and win at at least the $400 level.
7. Play live at least once a week, preferably by establishing a regular home game.
8. Get out to Vegas.
Lets see shall we...
I dont do New Year's resolutions but I definately have aims.
Life aims:
1. Contiune to be happy and enjoy my life with Mrs. Pink.
2. Progress in my career (this is actually unlikely to happen this year and is largely out of my hands, but it's still an aim. It would definately help if I wasn't white, middle-class and heterosexual!)
3. Get off my arse and get good at Turkish.
4. Improve as a poker player.
Poker aims:
1. Make $25,000 (a la BadBlood I'm aiming at least to double last year's winnings).
2. Win entry to a tournament circuit event with at least $5000 entry (WSOP, WPT, EPT etc)
3. Regardless of Number 2, play in a live event with at least a $1000 buy-in.
4. Have a $5000+ tournament score.
5. Become a winning player at $1000 NL.
6. Learn to play PL Omaha and win at at least the $400 level.
7. Play live at least once a week, preferably by establishing a regular home game.
8. Get out to Vegas.
Lets see shall we...
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