My timing is impeccable. Either that or the poker gods seem to have a pretty twisted sense of humour... or both. I'm not complaining, though, I certainly needed the $$$.
The early hours of this morning: (click to enlarge)

Just now:

Someone remind me why I'm getting a job...
Seriously though, I'm still glad I'm getting a job. I've been playing a lot of tournaments over the past few days just for a change of scene (and because I'm still not winning in the cash games) and I've really been enjoying it. I remember reading a post of Pauly's a while back where he talked about all the scumbags and miserable people he met on the poker circuit. He noted that by far the happiest person he came across on a day-to-day basis was the winning part-time poker player. I remember being that person. I'm looking forward to being that person again.
The early hours of this morning: (click to enlarge)

Just now:

Someone remind me why I'm getting a job...
Seriously though, I'm still glad I'm getting a job. I've been playing a lot of tournaments over the past few days just for a change of scene (and because I'm still not winning in the cash games) and I've really been enjoying it. I remember reading a post of Pauly's a while back where he talked about all the scumbags and miserable people he met on the poker circuit. He noted that by far the happiest person he came across on a day-to-day basis was the winning part-time poker player. I remember being that person. I'm looking forward to being that person again.
At 3:00 AM,
Jonathan "JPK" Farrer said…
added your link mate
At 3:41 PM,
TenMile said…
At 5:28 PM,
Amatay said…
n1 m8. How many hrs/day a wk u gonna work for if u dont mind me asking
At 10:27 AM,
Pinky said…
Gonna be working full time actually. Going to have to be squeezing the poker in on the side!
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