Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Thursday, November 25, 2004

Funky New Feature

Since it is my wont to write rather lengthy posts, I've added a funky new feature to my blog which just shows the first paragraph or so of each post and then if you like the sound of where the post is headed then you can...

" more!"

It also means that you dont have to scroll ten miles down the page to find any old posts. Hurray!

I dont really have much else to say except that I've been a good boy and have been working weell in the lab this week. I've also played virtually no poker (!), although I've been watching a fair bit. My finacee ordered me the whole of the first season of the World Poker Tour on DVD for my Birthday. It finally came this week and we've been glued to the TV since!

Laters, kids.

P.S. It's good to see a few new faces posting comments. So thanks to Dr. Winston, Mike (HeyBert! right?) and Gravy.
P.P.S. A couple of personals:
Pete: was good to see you this weekend, sorry we had to dissappear in a hurry. BTW, you owe Jaye £14 !!
Will: thanks for the email. I hope things are going well in Qutar. I'll email back soon, promise!! --------> Will's Blog


  • At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Pinky -

    Bob here (on Tom's computer...still haven't hooked the net up all over the house). Glad to see that things are going well - really miss Oxford sometimes and reading this makes me feel a bit more in touch. Just a coupla things - firstly, I want the recipe for that cake you made (was it banana, or carrot?) and secondly, write more about Jaye... want to know how she's doing!

    Take care- Bob

  • At 12:39 PM, Blogger Pinky said…

    Hey Bob. Good to hear from you. I hope things are going well for you both up in
    Nottingham. Here's the recipie for..

    Carrot AND Banana Cake (I usually double all of the ingredients!):

    2 Large Bananas (mashed)
    4oz carrots (finely grated)
    2oz chopped walnuts
    2 eggs
    8oz self-raising flour
    5oz soft brown sugar
    1-2 teaspoons baking pokwer
    1/4 pint of corn oil

    Mix it all together in bowl (tricky, huh!)
    grase suitable sized tin, line it with grease proof paper and then grease the
    paper too.
    Stick mixture in tin and cook for about an hour at 150 celcius.
    Remove cake from tin immediately and cool on a rack.

    Icing (again, I double this):

    3oz soft butter
    3oz full fat cream cheese
    6-8oz icing sugar
    1/4 teaspoon of vanilla essence.

    Beat well and ice cake when cool.


    Jaye's fine, although pretty sick of oxford. She's working as a PA at the
    moment for a couple of big professors up at the Orthapedic Hospital, although
    that finishes in a couple of weeks. We're both seriously looking forward to
    getting out of Oxford and down to London, but we're hanging in there for the time


    Hey Pete - excellent bloggage. I shall see you when you return hither.


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