Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Final Call For Boarding At Gate Pink

Just a quickie beofre I dive back to my project write-up (3 days to go - aaaaaaarrrggggg).

As some of you may be aware I'm hopping over the pond next week on tour with my a capella group.

There are plan afoot for a blogger meet in Atlantic City. I'll be there from 31st March till 4th April. It looks as though Al's gonna make it down and possibly Pauly and Sean might make it too. So come drunk fishing with us.

I'll be in NYC from 28th till 31st March and there's an outside chance that I might make it to Foxwoods on 23rd.

Otherwise if you're in the following place at the right time then you should come and hear us sing (we're pretty good!):

22nd: Harvard
24th: Brown
25th: Yale
27th: Princeton
30th: Columbia

Right, I have to climb the final peak of this dissertaion. I'm mostly done, I've just got the hard bit left now where I have to draw some intelligent conclusions from negative results. Great.


  • At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good luck with the dissertation (and the world tour, obviously - have no idea how I shall get through the work day without poker exploits). As William Wallace's mates said, this too shall pass. Onwards and upwards, Pinky.


  • At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Drunk fishing...? What!? You're telling me that not only do you gamble, but you drink alcohol now too? This merits another firm slap on the buttocks young man.


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