Crack is Bad
So are turbo Sit-n-Gos. I've played eighty $60 turbo SNGs on PokerStars over the last 5 days and I'm running at an abysmal -10% ROI (return on investment). I should probably stop. The problem is - they're sooooo addictive. They also rack up the VIP Player Points and I've got my eyes on the customised chip-set for 42,000 VPPs. The annoying thing is, that I've lost about $500 playing these things and the chip set is only worth $1,000 if I was to buy it directly from the manufacturers. Silly Pink.
80 SNGs isn't a huge sample, but I think my losses are down to crapness rather than varience (although the varience is huge in these things). I think I'm playing too reclessley once we get down to the last 5 or 6 players. I may try and adjust my strategy before giving up on these little critters, because something that is highly addictive and profitable is much better than something that is highly addictive and expensive. Apart from Heronie. That shit's wonderful.
I'll let you know if I go broke before I get that chip set...
Update (Friday 7pm)
I hate admitting defeat, but I believe the turbo SNGs have defeated me.
I've lost more than the $1000 that the chip set is worth (almost 20 buy-ins). Over 150 SNGs I'm running at -13% ROI. That may or may not be a significant sample, but I dont feel that I was getting particularly unlucky, but the varience in these things is so high it's really difficult to tell. Any edge that a player has in these things is tiny and very hard to spot. I'm flummouxed as to how I would go about improving to be able to beat these which is very frustrating. The graph obviously shows that I'm finishing 4th far too much. I think I play well (very tight) over the first few levels and the point at which I think I start coming unstuck is when it gets down to 6 players. The touble is I'm n ot sure what I'm doin wrong. Sometimes I think I'm not stealing enough blinds and other times I think I'm too eager to push all-in with a low 'M' - the bad players call because they'll call with anything without thinking and the good players know that I'll open with any two so will call with most above average hands. This means that my fold equity is low, but I can't afford to let myself blind out.
Any suggestions as to where I might be going wrong would be much appreciated, but I'm going to be giving these things a break in any case.
80 SNGs isn't a huge sample, but I think my losses are down to crapness rather than varience (although the varience is huge in these things). I think I'm playing too reclessley once we get down to the last 5 or 6 players. I may try and adjust my strategy before giving up on these little critters, because something that is highly addictive and profitable is much better than something that is highly addictive and expensive. Apart from Heronie. That shit's wonderful.
I'll let you know if I go broke before I get that chip set...
Update (Friday 7pm)

I've lost more than the $1000 that the chip set is worth (almost 20 buy-ins). Over 150 SNGs I'm running at -13% ROI. That may or may not be a significant sample, but I dont feel that I was getting particularly unlucky, but the varience in these things is so high it's really difficult to tell. Any edge that a player has in these things is tiny and very hard to spot. I'm flummouxed as to how I would go about improving to be able to beat these which is very frustrating. The graph obviously shows that I'm finishing 4th far too much. I think I play well (very tight) over the first few levels and the point at which I think I start coming unstuck is when it gets down to 6 players. The touble is I'm n ot sure what I'm doin wrong. Sometimes I think I'm not stealing enough blinds and other times I think I'm too eager to push all-in with a low 'M' - the bad players call because they'll call with anything without thinking and the good players know that I'll open with any two so will call with most above average hands. This means that my fold equity is low, but I can't afford to let myself blind out.
Any suggestions as to where I might be going wrong would be much appreciated, but I'm going to be giving these things a break in any case.
At 8:49 PM,
Div said…
Pinky if you are looking for a turbo SNG specialist to get tips from, may I humbly suggest fellow Scotsman - The Tank.
At 5:50 AM,
Wade said…
Hey pinky, long time no see bro.
Looks like we're paired to face-off in a blockbuster HU ITH match.
I'm 6 hours behind, so it might be tough to schedule. How is this weekend for you?
btw, I don't play for less than 1K. Play money accepted.
Hope all is well,
At 1:08 PM,
Unknown said…
mmm... heronie, I LOVE the heronie. It's almost as good as cake. Or dust.
At 10:01 AM,
Razboynik said…
Hi Pinky !
I also want the chip set, but am getting cold decked for the last month or so. This chip set is gonna cost me alot more than $500. lol
Good luck.
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