House Buying Headaches
We're still trying to buy the same flat that I mentioned in the last post (almost a month ago). It's nearly fallen through several times and may still, but things are beggining to look up. One thing I would like to say is that Estate Agents are the scum of the earth. Please dont take offence if you're an estate agent. Actaully - fuck that - do take offence; you're probably an arsehole.
That's been taking up virtually all of our time outside of work and Mrs Pink and I seem to be seeing less and less of each other. Because of the shift nature of my work, I'll often find myself with a few hours to kill here and there while she's at work, which is allowing me to play a bit of poker, but other than that everything else seems to be taking a back seat, including this 'ere blog.
Poker continutes to go well and the bankroll continues to grow. I'm overdue a bad run though. I've recently added the $400 NL tables to my repertoire and so far things seem to be going well, although I'm definately noticing more good players. I've been playing the £200 tables on Crypto for a while now and although there's very little difference in the monetary value between that and the $400 tables, it's a big physcological leap when some of the pots are coming in at over a grand.
I'm concidering opening up a bit on here and talking about my work. I'm still undecided as to weather it's a good idea or not. I think I could probably keep it both interesting and anonymous. It might mean that I've actually got something worth writing, but it wont necessarily mean that I'll be able to make the time to write more often.
The WSOP continues to make me wish I was in Vegas as do the write-ups of the blogger gathering. Maybe in December.
Till next time then.
That's been taking up virtually all of our time outside of work and Mrs Pink and I seem to be seeing less and less of each other. Because of the shift nature of my work, I'll often find myself with a few hours to kill here and there while she's at work, which is allowing me to play a bit of poker, but other than that everything else seems to be taking a back seat, including this 'ere blog.
Poker continutes to go well and the bankroll continues to grow. I'm overdue a bad run though. I've recently added the $400 NL tables to my repertoire and so far things seem to be going well, although I'm definately noticing more good players. I've been playing the £200 tables on Crypto for a while now and although there's very little difference in the monetary value between that and the $400 tables, it's a big physcological leap when some of the pots are coming in at over a grand.
I'm concidering opening up a bit on here and talking about my work. I'm still undecided as to weather it's a good idea or not. I think I could probably keep it both interesting and anonymous. It might mean that I've actually got something worth writing, but it wont necessarily mean that I'll be able to make the time to write more often.
The WSOP continues to make me wish I was in Vegas as do the write-ups of the blogger gathering. Maybe in December.
Till next time then.
At 2:20 PM,
TenMile said…
Keep truckin' Pinky. GL with the flat.
At 8:56 PM,
CC said…
Thanks so much for linking me up with the new site. I know what a pain it is to deal with taht, but I really appreciate it. Hope we can play together sometime soon.
At 1:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
i looked up NileFever on sharkscope....apparently that foray into turbo-land took its toll on your stats, Pink?
At 9:53 AM,
Peter said…
Hey Pink. My housemate George is working as an estate agent at the moment: he agrees with you.
Off to Sardinia at the weekend, back a week today; would be good to have a drink around then. Depending on your shifts.
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