Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

I actaully do exist, honest

No I haven't completely dropped off the face of the world. I've just been pretty damn busy and haven't been playing very much poker at all.

The new job is keeping me occupied along with a new found sport and exercise regime. I've started playing squash again for the first time since uni, which I'm loving, and I'm also doing quite a lot of running.

As far a poker goes I've been managing to squeeze in a few hours a week. I decided that I needed to learn to play Omaha and having read Rolf Slotboom's excellent book I've been playing minimum buy-in at various levels online - sitting with anything from $20 to $200. I've made a small amount but it's not going to make me rich anytime soon. Still, it's enjoyable and I'm learning as I go.

I managed to squeeze in a trip to the newly refurbish Vic last weekend. I was really impressed. It made me realise exactly how grotty it used to be. It now feels like a real casino poker room and the fact that it occupies essentially the whole of the top floor lends it an extra degree a degree of sophistication.

It was pretty busy and I had to wait almost an hour for a seat. I started off in a self dealt 50p-£1 NL game and managed to take my £100 up to almost £300 but ended up about £80 in the hole when I couldn't get away from my set against a flopped straight.

Shortly after, a £100-minimum Omaha game started up and I jumped at the opportunity of playing a small stack against people who would likely be playing very deep and be happy to double me up. The ante pressure was a little higher than I would have liked for my uber-tight approach (a £1 ante every hand with no blinds rather than the £3-3 blinds which I was expecting). Additionally with a £12 an hour table charge, I'm not sure I could turn much of a profit in that game, but I stuck with it as I only had about an hour before heading home. Things went to plan and I managed to get it in good with QQxx against an aggressive deep stack and I went home satisfied.

There's little else to report on. The blogger event on PokerStars is today, so maybe I'll do something fun like live blog that. Then again, maybe not. I'll have to try not to win it, though, as I'm almost certain that I won't be able get the time off work to go to the Caribbean in the new year. In case you're playing my screen name is NileFever.



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