Gutshot Report
Well, let's hope last night was a suitably cathartic experience, because if it wasn't then I'm about to go and do my head online whe I get out of this God-forsaken office.
For those of you who didn't catch yesterday's post, I had the opportunity to head to the Gutshot last night in an attempt to overplay some marginal hands and rid myself of my recent build up of steam.
Unfortunately for the whole of the rebuy period I didn't find any marginal hands to overplay. Just two monster hands. One on the very first hand of the tourney and on on the very last hand of the rebuys. To my greatest surprise and joy after a couple of limpers and one raise what should I find sitting in front of me on the first hand, but the Hammer. Well, obviously I went all-in. The idiots called me in four places so someone was bound to suck out on me. I was up against AK, 88, and 66 so I was still a 93.4% favourite but one of the fish with 66 hit his set. I then proceeded to fold every hand for the rest of the first hour while the rest of the table went crazy with rebuy after rebuy. The average stack was so high by as we approached the end of the rebuys that I would either have to quintuple up or bust out and go and play cash, there was no other option. I was mightly glad, then on the final hand of the rebuys when there were three all-ins in front of me and I looked down at my cards and found T6o. What value, I could harly pass these, so I duly called all-in.
Oh, did I metnion that I hit two pair on the flop. Hello! Now I was going to have to put some effort and into actually getting somewhere and put the idea of juicy cash games out of my head.
I'll cut a long story short, by letting you know that I went out on the bubble about 5 hours later. Grrrrrr. I'd eventually got shortstacked and open-pushed on the button with K9s. The big blind had TT and caught another on the flop. Somehow he managed to dodge my backdoor straight draw and I was sent packing.
With any luck I'm now tilt free and ready to take my A-game back online.
For those of you who didn't catch yesterday's post, I had the opportunity to head to the Gutshot last night in an attempt to overplay some marginal hands and rid myself of my recent build up of steam.
Unfortunately for the whole of the rebuy period I didn't find any marginal hands to overplay. Just two monster hands. One on the very first hand of the tourney and on on the very last hand of the rebuys. To my greatest surprise and joy after a couple of limpers and one raise what should I find sitting in front of me on the first hand, but the Hammer. Well, obviously I went all-in. The idiots called me in four places so someone was bound to suck out on me. I was up against AK, 88, and 66 so I was still a 93.4% favourite but one of the fish with 66 hit his set. I then proceeded to fold every hand for the rest of the first hour while the rest of the table went crazy with rebuy after rebuy. The average stack was so high by as we approached the end of the rebuys that I would either have to quintuple up or bust out and go and play cash, there was no other option. I was mightly glad, then on the final hand of the rebuys when there were three all-ins in front of me and I looked down at my cards and found T6o. What value, I could harly pass these, so I duly called all-in.
Oh, did I metnion that I hit two pair on the flop. Hello! Now I was going to have to put some effort and into actually getting somewhere and put the idea of juicy cash games out of my head.
I'll cut a long story short, by letting you know that I went out on the bubble about 5 hours later. Grrrrrr. I'd eventually got shortstacked and open-pushed on the button with K9s. The big blind had TT and caught another on the flop. Somehow he managed to dodge my backdoor straight draw and I was sent packing.
With any luck I'm now tilt free and ready to take my A-game back online.
At 8:22 PM,
Div said…
Hi Pinky what's this I hear about Gutshot getting threatened with closure by the authorities?
Say it aint so!
At 9:24 AM,
Pinky said…
Hmmm. I hadn't heard anything, but it's quite possible - the place is operating without a liscence. The gaming board had previously turned a blind eye to things going on there, but maybe no longer.
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