Crazy Pony
Some guy at the Gutshot last night showed me a text he'd just received from a mate:
That pretty much set the tone for the evening. CrazyNess.
I'd gone to the Gutshot to meet, Ironfist from ITH. He was down in London for a training day so I gladly took the opportunity for some live play, since Mrs. Pink was gonna be working late. The Wednesday nighy tourney at the Guthost is a £30 rebuy, which is a tad expensive for my roll and tends to be populated by the better club regulars. Equally, though, it doesn't attract that many runners so I suspected that there might be a smaller cash game going on.
I bolted out of the office on the dot of 5 O'clock dashed to the car and dodged the impending rush-hour traffic before arriving home. A quick change of clothes and a bowl of cat food later (it's delicious, but the cat never leaves any for me) and I was back out of the door and on my way to the tube.
Ironfist arrived shortly after I did and we chatted over a beer or two before they opened a cash game up. For a while it looked as though we'd be out of luck, but eventually there was enough interest. It was only their Pony (for transpond readers, A Pony = £25) game which is a self delt PL game. It has a £25 minimum and maximum buy-in with 25p-50p blinds, but that suited us just fine.
I usually dont enjoy the Pony game. It's slow because of being self delt and it's full of idiots who think they know what they're doing and like to lecture everyone else about their play. This game was much better than usual. There were a couple of opinions flying about, but they didn't stick around long. Otherwise the table was full of great banter and terrible play, boardering on ridiculous at times. It also helped that the deck was hitting me in the face.
(It's now Sunday evening, am I'm finally getting round to finishing off this post)
There were three hands that were particularly ridiculous, but I can only remember two of them right now.
The first involved a final board of 49998. There were two players left at the end after a reasonable amount fo betting and they both checked on the river. The first guy rolled over 97 for quads and the second guy mucked KK face up. WHAT THE FUCK? How the hell did that hand get checked down? Madness.
I got involved in a multiway pot which was raised the minimum to £1 by a guy in middle position and called in a few spots. I called too with 44 on the small blind. The flop came K,9,4 with two diamonds. Sweet. Someone's bound to have caught some of this so I plan a check-raise knowinf full well that it'll get bet somewhere. It checks all the way around to the button who fires out £3. Not wanting to mess around I make it £15 fairly confident of getting a call - the button's been playing crazily loose. Everyone folds round to the button, who calls my raise. The turn is a black ten and I put the button all-in for £30 - he's almost certainly calling after calling that raise on the flop.
I said, What, What WHAT the Fuck? How does he fold top-two here. I'm at a seriously loss to know why he folded that. It seemed that he just went on a whim - as with his every other play - without considering how few hands were actually beating him. I cant believe I didn't get paid.
I think that even some good players would struggle to lay that down. It wasn't even as though I'd been playing particularly tight. He just went with his gut. Wrenching.
I soon got over it when I made the nuts a few times and got paid off handsomely. I even caught Ironfist raising me with top pair medium kicker against my bottom two. Can't complain.
I was unable to drop the Hammer at any point. I had it once under-the-gun. Riased only to have Ironfist re-raise to isolate me. I would have been happy to call and make some kind of play to take the pot later in the hand had four other people not called his re-raise. Oh well. Someone else ended up bluffing him off his 99 on a Jack high board. Grrrr.
I had to get back relatively early to arrive home in time for Mrs. Pink to finish work so I bidded farewell to the table and gathered the mountain of chips I'd acumulated. I ended with a profit of £100 for three hours of donking aounrd and drinking. Much fun. It's just a shame I cant make 4 buy-ins in three hours on a regular basis at the £100 tables on Will Hill, which are my regtular fare right now.
As ever I've had to rush the end of this just to get it finished and out there, but hey, it's better than nothing.
I've been pretty busy these last few days, and it'll stay that way till mid-week. I've got a big day of interviews and assesments on Tuesday for a potential career move that's been in the pipelines for a while, so here's hoping that works out.
See y'all in a few days.
I just got a phone call out of the blue from an ex-girlfriend. Now this girl was damn hot and well frisky. We used to have the most amazing sex - she'd do anything. So you can imagine how please I was to be hearing from her again. It turned out that she was in town for a conference and wanted to hook up and maybe "re-live some of the old times". Now as much as I wanted to jump at this opportunity, I felt obliged to let her know that I'd put on a few pounds since we were together. She put my mind at ease by assurring me that it didn't matter to her. She then went on to say that she'd put on a bit of weight herself anyway, so I told her to fuck off.
That pretty much set the tone for the evening. CrazyNess.
I'd gone to the Gutshot to meet, Ironfist from ITH. He was down in London for a training day so I gladly took the opportunity for some live play, since Mrs. Pink was gonna be working late. The Wednesday nighy tourney at the Guthost is a £30 rebuy, which is a tad expensive for my roll and tends to be populated by the better club regulars. Equally, though, it doesn't attract that many runners so I suspected that there might be a smaller cash game going on.
I bolted out of the office on the dot of 5 O'clock dashed to the car and dodged the impending rush-hour traffic before arriving home. A quick change of clothes and a bowl of cat food later (it's delicious, but the cat never leaves any for me) and I was back out of the door and on my way to the tube.
Ironfist arrived shortly after I did and we chatted over a beer or two before they opened a cash game up. For a while it looked as though we'd be out of luck, but eventually there was enough interest. It was only their Pony (for transpond readers, A Pony = £25) game which is a self delt PL game. It has a £25 minimum and maximum buy-in with 25p-50p blinds, but that suited us just fine.
I usually dont enjoy the Pony game. It's slow because of being self delt and it's full of idiots who think they know what they're doing and like to lecture everyone else about their play. This game was much better than usual. There were a couple of opinions flying about, but they didn't stick around long. Otherwise the table was full of great banter and terrible play, boardering on ridiculous at times. It also helped that the deck was hitting me in the face.
(It's now Sunday evening, am I'm finally getting round to finishing off this post)
There were three hands that were particularly ridiculous, but I can only remember two of them right now.
The first involved a final board of 49998. There were two players left at the end after a reasonable amount fo betting and they both checked on the river. The first guy rolled over 97 for quads and the second guy mucked KK face up. WHAT THE FUCK? How the hell did that hand get checked down? Madness.
I got involved in a multiway pot which was raised the minimum to £1 by a guy in middle position and called in a few spots. I called too with 44 on the small blind. The flop came K,9,4 with two diamonds. Sweet. Someone's bound to have caught some of this so I plan a check-raise knowinf full well that it'll get bet somewhere. It checks all the way around to the button who fires out £3. Not wanting to mess around I make it £15 fairly confident of getting a call - the button's been playing crazily loose. Everyone folds round to the button, who calls my raise. The turn is a black ten and I put the button all-in for £30 - he's almost certainly calling after calling that raise on the flop.
I said, What, What WHAT the Fuck? How does he fold top-two here. I'm at a seriously loss to know why he folded that. It seemed that he just went on a whim - as with his every other play - without considering how few hands were actually beating him. I cant believe I didn't get paid.
I think that even some good players would struggle to lay that down. It wasn't even as though I'd been playing particularly tight. He just went with his gut. Wrenching.
I soon got over it when I made the nuts a few times and got paid off handsomely. I even caught Ironfist raising me with top pair medium kicker against my bottom two. Can't complain.
I was unable to drop the Hammer at any point. I had it once under-the-gun. Riased only to have Ironfist re-raise to isolate me. I would have been happy to call and make some kind of play to take the pot later in the hand had four other people not called his re-raise. Oh well. Someone else ended up bluffing him off his 99 on a Jack high board. Grrrr.
I had to get back relatively early to arrive home in time for Mrs. Pink to finish work so I bidded farewell to the table and gathered the mountain of chips I'd acumulated. I ended with a profit of £100 for three hours of donking aounrd and drinking. Much fun. It's just a shame I cant make 4 buy-ins in three hours on a regular basis at the £100 tables on Will Hill, which are my regtular fare right now.
As ever I've had to rush the end of this just to get it finished and out there, but hey, it's better than nothing.
I've been pretty busy these last few days, and it'll stay that way till mid-week. I've got a big day of interviews and assesments on Tuesday for a potential career move that's been in the pipelines for a while, so here's hoping that works out.
See y'all in a few days.
At 1:09 AM,
TenMile said…
Good Luck with the interviews, Hoss
At 1:37 AM,
TripJax said…
Oh man that first section had me rolling...that was good stuff...
At 10:22 PM,
Unknown said…
So I stole that gag for one of my stand-up gigs tonight. The guys in the audience loved it! Several women refused to look me in the eye afterward though...
...more women than usual I mean.
At 1:03 PM,
Ignatious said…
yuppers, good luck with the interview!
At 6:54 PM,
Unknown said…
I heard there may or may not be a blogger tournament in Vegas next month.
Just reminding you :)
Good luck with the interview!
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