Fish and Chips

A poker themed blog, charting the demise of my degree and the rise of my poker career.

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Friday, October 28, 2005

A Favour

I have a second hand favour (probably spelt differently if you hail from the other side of the pond) to ask of you, dear reader.

My ex-housemate from University (read, "college" - check out my pandering to the masses when I need a favour, ah forget it!) is a damn funny chap. He's recently started out in the world of stand-up comedy and has just got to the regional finals of the Samsung Comedy Tour. Help him reach the Grand Final by visiting a couple of links:

His blog - you should be reading this anyway, cos it's funny, but he also gives a better run down of the Comedy Tour.

Samsung Comedy Tour - you can watch part of his set here and vote for him!


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Thursday Night Gutshot Report

I began this write-up on Friday afternoon, but all of a sudden I had better places to be than in the office! Here's the rest of what I'd started.

I'd decided to head to the Gutshot for second time last week, since Mrs Pink had another work event in central London so I figured that we could meet up after I busted (confidence, huh!) or once she'd finished. Their Thursday night tourney was a £50+5 freezout. It's at the top of my bankroll means for tournaments, but in the half hour immediately after work I'd made £30 online so I figured I could stretch to it. For £55 everyone gets 2500 in chips. The blinds start at 25-50 with 20 minute levels, so it's not a great structure, but as good as you'll get for any low-buy-in live tournament. There were seventy-odd runners and the top nine paid from £75 up to £1300.

I noticed a few good players on my starting table including Barry, the co-founder/owner of The Gutshot Collective, but there were a couple of weak players to make up for it.

My memory is somewhat hazy. I had a fair number of good starting hands most of which won me medium-small pots. Generally I made good descions and the odd well timed bluff. In one hand with 150-300 blinds. I limped in early position with KhQd. One caller came in behind and the big blind checked. The big blind check the flop of 9,T,4 (all diamonds) and I fired out 600. The limper behind me made it 2400. I thought briefly and jammed for about 8000 in total. He folded.

I then got moved to a table at which sat the infamous Adi (sp?). If you've ever been to the Gutshot Forum (not somewhere I hang out btw) you will apparently find flame after flame about this guy. He's nice enough, but he can’t shut the fuck up. He DOES NOT STOP TALKING, and he's got a damn loud voice. Not all of what he says is wrong - in fact he's reasonably successful at tournaments - so as well as irritating the shit out of people, he's also educating the fishies. Damn clown.

I came over the top of him a couple of times preflop and bluffed him out of the flop another couple of times, which wound him up no end. Ha! Our table broke just in time to prevent me reaching across the table and smacking him, but his voice could still be heard from the other side of the room.

I made one bigish laydown, which I spent a good portion of my somewhat sleepless night thinking about. Constructive criticism is very welcome. I hadn't been at my new table long, but in the six or seven hands I'd seen, the villain hadn't played yet. With blinds of 500-1000 he opened raised in the cutoff to 3000. I looked down at KcQc and decided just to flat call. I had about 25K at this point, which covered him by about 7,000. The flop came K,J,4 (two spades). I checked he bet 3000. I thought for ages and folded. I'd didn't have much of a read on him but I just felt that I was behind. You could argue - and you'd probably be right - that if I'm going to fold when I hit the flop then I should never have called preflop. I re-written my analysis of this hand three or four times and in the end I've come to the conclusion that my best play on the flop was probably to bet into him. That then allows for the possibility that he'll jam with a weaker hand. The trouble with check-raising him is that he's only likely to commit all his chips with a hand that's beating me (or splitting).

Anyway, I decided to fold and leave myself with enough chips (just) to make moves later, albeit it preflop only moves. I maintained my stack with blind steals and the busting of a couple of short stacks. I'd been in the top two or three chip positions for a while but as more people busted my stack became less impressive. Once we were down to two tables and towards the bubble a couple of players were continually at war with each other so it was difficult to enter any pots. One finally busted the other and I went to the final table with a stack only just above average.

The final table was an impressive line-up of regularly successful tournament players. At least two of them had played in the WSOP main event and there were only a couple of players that I didn’t recognise. I didn’t feel intimidated though. I relished the opportunity to play them. The blinds were still at 1000-2000, but the average stack was only 21K so there wasn’t a lot of room to manoeuvre. Once someone entered the pot stealing was out of the question and most opening bets were all-ins.

I don’t think I’ve ever been quite as card dead as that at a final table. I passed up one opportunity to steal when it was folded to me on the button. I passed a ten high and it would prove to be costly. I had to fold every hand for the next four orbits. During which time the blinds went up twice to 2000-4000. I didn’t see a single Ace or pair and when I got a face card it came with a baby and a raise in front of me. Even when I became desperate, I had to fold. Down to 12,000, I had to post a third of my stack on the big blind. I picked up Q2. With my tiny stack I’d have been happy to defend my blind against one opposition, but after an all-in and a call I had to let it go. The very next hand I posted 2,000 in the small blind. Again there was a raise and a call. I looked down to see a two and a four. Goddamn! With only 6,000 left (one and a half big blinds) I’d lost any folding equity and was gonna have to rely on luck. The first four hands were unplayable due to others in the pot in front of me then finally everyone of me folded and I got an opportunity to go heads up with the big blind. I found 9Ts which was the biggest monster I’d seen on the final table and I was happy to get my last 2 chips in the pot with it. The button re-raised, everyone else folded and I was happy to see that my cards were live when he turned over AQ. I hit a nine on the flop, but an Ace on the river sealed my fate.

I ended up getting 7th place and pocketing £150. Overall I was happy with just making the final table. I know that big score is coming eventually.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Pokerstars and the Bloggers

Don't worry, I'm not going to bore you with numerous hand histoires from last night's Blogger Tourney on Stars. I would if I could, but I went out in the first level over playing AK, for a change.

Having journeyed all the way to The Gutshot in order to be able to play and having prepaid for 6 hours of internet use, it would have been a little unfortunate to have had to return home straight away, so I started up a $10 NL game for all the dropouts, which was just me at that point! Drizz soon joined, as did Div and eventually we had a near full table of bloggers. I had a blast, and it was great meeting and playing with so many of my favourite reads at once. I overplayed my AK again against Iggy, but made up for it by slow-playing The Hammer all the way to the turn at which point I check-raised Pauly all-in; he folded, but got his own back later when he bluffed on the end with a busted flush draw. I had the busted nut-flush draw - oh if only that last spade had come!

I'm looking forward to the next one and with any luck I wont got crazy with AK in the first orbit!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Sleeping at Work

Today has been extreemly unproductive. It's probably got something to do with my second visit to the gutshot in three days.

I'm now just trying to waste the last 40 mins before heading home for the weekend.

So I went to the Gutshot last night. Mrs Pink had another evening engagement. They had a £50+5 freezout which I rather fancied after my near miss in the £5 rebuy event on Tuesday. There were seventy-odd runners. The top nine paid from £75 up to £1300, but you'll have to wait till Monday for the rest of the write up; I've just been set free for the weekend.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Gutshot Report

Well, let's hope last night was a suitably cathartic experience, because if it wasn't then I'm about to go and do my head online whe I get out of this God-forsaken office.

For those of you who didn't catch yesterday's post, I had the opportunity to head to the Gutshot last night in an attempt to overplay some marginal hands and rid myself of my recent build up of steam.

Unfortunately for the whole of the rebuy period I didn't find any marginal hands to overplay. Just two monster hands. One on the very first hand of the tourney and on on the very last hand of the rebuys. To my greatest surprise and joy after a couple of limpers and one raise what should I find sitting in front of me on the first hand, but the Hammer. Well, obviously I went all-in. The idiots called me in four places so someone was bound to suck out on me. I was up against AK, 88, and 66 so I was still a 93.4% favourite but one of the fish with 66 hit his set. I then proceeded to fold every hand for the rest of the first hour while the rest of the table went crazy with rebuy after rebuy. The average stack was so high by as we approached the end of the rebuys that I would either have to quintuple up or bust out and go and play cash, there was no other option. I was mightly glad, then on the final hand of the rebuys when there were three all-ins in front of me and I looked down at my cards and found T6o. What value, I could harly pass these, so I duly called all-in.

Oh, did I metnion that I hit two pair on the flop. Hello! Now I was going to have to put some effort and into actually getting somewhere and put the idea of juicy cash games out of my head.

I'll cut a long story short, by letting you know that I went out on the bubble about 5 hours later. Grrrrrr. I'd eventually got shortstacked and open-pushed on the button with K9s. The big blind had TT and caught another on the flop. Somehow he managed to dodge my backdoor straight draw and I was sent packing.

With any luck I'm now tilt free and ready to take my A-game back online.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Foot In Myself Shooting The

Not posting for over a week shortly after getting linking up by the little fella is probably not the smartest move on my part, but hey. If I've managed to acrew any new readers then, welcome and congratulations for making it back for a second read!

Work is getting me down this week. I've now been here over 3 weeks and if it wasn't for the fact that I managed to negotiate a pay rise I'd probably have quit by now. As it is, I'll probably be here till at least Christmas, unless I loose my mind first. Progress is being made with finding a real job; it's still gonna be a while, but as long as progress continues I can just about cope with this office admin crap.

I've been playing like a gibbon online these past 10 days. We still dont have a computer at home so I'm playing round the corner in an internet cafe, which doesn't help, but the biggest factor in my crapness is the fact that I spend the whole day dreaming about playing and reading about other people playing (and doing well) on their blogs that by the time 5pm comes around I'm so desperate to play that when I finally get logged in and sat at a table I'm incrediably impatient to play a hand.

I'm off to the Gutshot tonight to play their cheapie £5 rebuy tourney, so with anyluck that should get the impatience-tilt out of my system, since I can justify over playing my marginal hands during the rebuys.

I'll report back tomorrow...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Guinness and Poker

It was about this very time on friday afternoon when my phone rang. It was a welcome break from the repetition of logging invoices. It was very welcome when I discovered who was on the other end. It was only the rather small, Guinness-swilling, poker-playing, uber-blogging, UK-touring, Iggmeister himself!

Having been touring Ireland, Whales, Scotland, and England, he'd arrived in London for a final couple of days before heading back homewards. I was dissapointed not to be able to offer a spot in my Friday night home game (write up of inagural event still to come) but there hadn't been enough interest last week and I'd already called it off. I rapidly rearranged engagements I had for Saturday afternoon and we made plans to meet at the Gutshot at 1pm.

I'm not sure what to blaim for my lack of sleep on Friday night - whether it was my exitment at meeting Iggy or the vast kebab I ate immediately before bed, we may never know. All the same, after a hearty brekafast (although I'm sure my heart didn't thank me for the immense quanites of colesterol ingested) with Mrs Pink I headed into town strong enough to beat the world. The closure of the Circle and Metropolitan lines did its best to prevent our rendez-vous, but enventually the unmissable Iggy came sauntering down Clarkenwell Road towards my vantage point outside the Gutshot.

We were going to play the £5 rebuy at 2pm but in the end we dicided to give it a miss and wait for a cash game to start, since we'd almost certainly be sat at different tables in the tournament. So we boozed for a couple of hours before our names were called for the cash game. The game that got going was a £50 max buy-in pot-limit holdem game with 50p-£1 blinds. It's quite a juicy game (certainly compared to the £1-2 game with no max buy-in, which can get pretty sharky) but, in my opinion if you're going to restrict the buy-in to 50 big blinds it should really be no-limit rather than pot-limit.

I recognised a few of the players from previous trips. John, a somewhat exentric recent graduate who now works for the Gutshot and was over in Baden last week covering the EPT and bumping into Otis, likes to make out he's a maniac, but is also a reasonably sound player. MadYank was sat inbetween in Iggy and me. He's a semi-pro player who got his name shortly after moving to this side of the pond and never folding. He's fun to have at the table and I've spoken to him a few times before, but he wasn't interested in being at all friendly that day and simply wanted to be the centre of attention at the table. Cock. I ended up telling him he was an arsehole for going into the navy and leaving his wife at home and no wonder it didn't work out when he got back. Ha! It wasn't an entirely unprovoked outburst on my part - he'd made some cinical remark about my prospects when it came up in conversation that I'd recently got married - but my reaction probably had a reasonable amount to do with the number of Guinness consumed by this point!

My afternoon's poker consisted of overplaying AK. I got it five times in total. The first two times I ended up all-in on the flop with only overcards (oops). By the third time I seemed to have learnt my lesson and got away from it when it didn't hit. The fourth time we were all-in three ways preflop. I hit a flush draw on the flop, but managed to win with just Ace high when the flush didn't come! God only knows what the other cretins were playing. I doubled up again when I was all-in against John's pocket Jacks and mamnged to flop a King. All-in all I ended up slightly worse than even, which wasn't too bad considering that I was in for £150 at one point.

The evening rolled around all too quickly. Iggy had to meet back up with his father and I had to head back to North London and attempt to sober up slightly before locating Mrs Pink. It probably would have been useful if I'd have eaten something other than breakfast before boozing it up all afternoon, but hey!

It really was fantastic to meet to Godfather of Poker-Blogging and to top it off he really is a great guy. I had a fantastic afternoon of chatting, boozing and pokering. Iggy did his best to persuad me to make it out to the next blogger gathering. I think December may be too soon to be affordable, but before too long, I'll be there!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Crazy, Crazier, and Iggy

I have a dilemma. I've just discovered a handy technique on the data entry system I'm using that speeds up the process enormously. But what should I do? Do I divulge this little secret receive a modicum of praise and generally feel rather clever and superior for the rest of the afternoon, or do I keep it to myself, input an appropriate amount of data and spend the rest of my time blogging and reading poker articles. Hmmm. Such are the descisions facing me in this cutting edge office job I've landed myself. What can I possibly set my sights at now that I have realised all my life's ambitions at the mere age of 23?

Seriously though, this job freeking sucks. I can do all the work that's expected of me in half a day and then I just have to piss around for the rest of it. Since I'm temping there's nothing do be gained by over achieving, this job leads nowhere! Yesterday afternoon, my supervisor told me that I'd done too much work and I should find something else to do until 5 o'clock. Crazy.

I'll tell you what it's not as crazy as, though: Some guy burning through almost $1,000 in less than 30 minutes at a $1-$2 NL table. Unreal. The even crazier thing is that it all ended up in front of me. That's right, not a single sausage went to anyone else! BOYAKASHA, one might say.

I've often seen manacis drop buy-in after buy-in but you have to get lucky quickly in those circumstances before it's all gone. Well, I did. I've been playing at the stars $1-$2 NL 6-max table for a few months now. I only really have the bankroll to be playing $0.50-$1 NL but instead I've been playing the bigger game but only sitting down with $100. I recon my hourly rate is better sitting down with $100 at the $1-$2 tables than it is sitting down with the same amount at the $0.50-$1 tables.

So, as has been the trend since I started this God forsaken job two weeks ago, I finished at 5pm on Wednesday afternoon and headed for the internet cafe for a few hours poker before Mrs. Pink finished work (She works late on Wednesdays as her paper goes to print the following day). I was about even for the session having been up and down a couple of buy-ins when I moved to a new table. I typically two table, but at that time I had three tables open as I was in the process of switching from one to another. I was also emailing and reading blogs. Slap Wrist.

Hand Histories in Blogs are crap, but tough, here are 3:

Hand 1
Not Much of a descision in the first hand, just a shame that I didn't have more infront of me...

BB ($173.75)
UTG ($200)
The Whale ($544.45)
Pinky ($142)
SB ($61.45)

Preflop: Pinky is Button with Ts, Td.
1 fold, The Whale raises to $4, Pinky calls $4, 1 fold, BB calls $2.
Flop: ($13) 4c, 9s, Tc (3 players)
BB checks, The Whale bets $12, Pinky raises to $36, BB folds, The Whale raises to $540.45, Pinky calls $102 (All-In).
Turn: ($289) 4s (2 players, 1 all-in)
River: ($289) Qs (2 players, 1 all-in)

The Whale has Qc Ac (two pair, queens and fours).
Pinky has Ts Td (full house, tens full of fours).
Pinky wins $289.

Hand 2
This second hand is a pime example of why one should not be distracted by emailing, blogging or multi-tabling. When he pushed all-in on the river I probably would have folded, since I hadn't been paying attention to his maniacal tendancies. I must thank the poker Gods that on glancing over to the chat box I noticed that one of the other players was berating the whale for being a crazy maniac fish.... INSTA-CALL!

MP ($165.75)
Button ($179)
The Whale ($425.45)
Pinky ($287)
UTG ($60.45)

Preflop: Pinky is BB with Jc, 7h.
UTG calls $2, 2 folds, The Whale completes, Pinky checks.
Flop: ($6) Ad, Js, 7d (3 players)
The Whale bets $6, Pinky raises to $20, UTG folds, The Whale calls $14.
Turn: ($46) 9c (2 players)
The Whale bets $12, Pinky raises to $48, The Whale calls $36.
River: ($142) 2h (2 players)
The Whale bets $355.45 (All-In), Pinky calls $217 (All-In).

Final Pot $576

The Whale has Kd 3d (high card, ace).
Pinky has Jc 7h (two pair, jacks and sevens).
Pinky wins $576. Oh Yeah!

Hand 3: These are the things that dreams are made of...

BB ($116.75)
UTG ($163)
The Whale ($233.20)
Pinky ($644)

Preflop: Pinky is SB with Ad, Ac.
1 fold, The Whale raises to $10, Pinky raises to $25, 1 fold, The Whale calls $15.
Flop: ($52) 3s, 3d, 8d (2 players)
Pinky bets $30, The Whale calls $30.
Turn: ($112) Jh (2 players)
Pinky bets $75, The Whale raises to $178.2 (All-in), Pinky calls $103.20.
River: ($468.40) 7h (2 players, 1 all-in)

Pinky has Ad Ac (two pair, aces and threes).
The Whale has 9s Qc (one pair, threes).
Pinky wins $468.40.

I kid you not. All of that happened in less than 30 mins. I sat down with $100 and 30 mins later I had $900 in font of me. On my other table, in the same period of time I was up $200. I needed a Guinness after that.

Talking of Guinness, I just got a call from Iggy. He's in London this weekend at the culmination of his grand UK and Ireland tour. I think we may be hitting the Gutshot tomorrow. Apparently our difference in hight is a full 3 feet...

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Pokerstars Blogger Championship

Ok, so I've registered for the upcoming Blogger Championship. I'm not exactly sure how I'm gonna be able to play in it, since I still don't have a computer or internet at home and have therefore been relying on the internet cafe round the corner. It starts at 4pm EST, which is 9pm over here. There's a good chance that I'll be knocked out before the first break, so it may not be a problem that the internet cafe closes at 10pm, but to be on the safe side I might have to toddle down to the Gutshot and use their facilities.

Anyhoo, check it out..

Poker Championship

I have registered to play in the
Online Poker Blogger Championship!

This event is powered by PokerStars.

Registration code: 7959026

The weekend was the first since we've moved in that we had time to do thgins that we wanted. I held the inagural home game of the new Pink Pad on Friday night, so expect a write up of that shorly. On Saturday night we held a small house-warming party and on Sunday night I went to a crazy friend's crazy home game. I hope to have recruited some mega fish for what I hope will be a regular game at mine on Fridays.

I hope to be back soon with something interesting to say but in the meantime chack out Pauly's excellent latest post.